I keep wondering why we (and I definitely mean me here) do keep things in our (my) closets when we do not have use for them? Or marinade crafting supplies if we clearly have no time to use them? I have so many "when I retire" projects in my to-do list that I should leave my job tomorrow to be able to make them all in my lifetime. So it's definitely time to share.
I love knitting but I just do not have time to make it for "me", I do it daily for my work. So I chose the mittens-socks-scarfs-yarns, put them into a bag and gave them to my friend. Who I know for sure will make many pairs during this autumn. And what did my friend do? She packed up two huge boxes and a large plastic bag full of fabrics for me! She's changing a career and said that she definitely does not need all of these. And truth to be said there were still a few yards left on her closets - but look at my lot here!

I have just started to sort them by color, and it'll soon be followed by pink-flowered-big, yellow-with-birds-small-piles. This makes me so happy, and grateful too. My friend decided to give, even I know how much she loves these fabrics. I am definitely starting to sort out my closets again, there are so many clothes, crafting supplies, yarns and magazines that would make someone else happy (and I would gain some needed space!), and I definitely am calling this month The Sharing-September and it'll be followed by the Owning-it-all-does-not-make-me-happy-October and Not-for-me-November! Anyone else doing the same?
Happy Sunday!
Lovely fabrics, Mia! It's so good to sort things out isn't it?? I sorted some of my threads and buttons earlier this year when I had a giveaway. Now I've done my art materials, books, paperwork and magazine sorting. It feels great to know where things are and actually make use of them. Enjoy your new fabrics, I look forward to seeing what you make.
Helen x
I have been clearing out too and bringing things in- must be the season!
It seems that we should call this autumn not spring cleaning Mia. I always think it is good to have a sort out on a regular basis, my house is far too tiny to have too many dark hoards but I confess my jewellery and card stash is fairly impressive! Your new fabrics sound fab, there will be lots of lovely new bags to line I should think.Happy Sunday too my dear.
Jane x
As Kerry says - it must be the season! I have just recycled the smallest of the smallest scraps of fabrics - into the compost heap! Yes, they would be great for buttons, but really? Really? Would it ever happen - no! And the other scrap baskets have all been sorted into those I will definitely use and the rest are going to a local school.
Feels so very good.
P xx
Wow that was a good swap!!
The only thing is Mia, if you give some stuff away and then someone gives you something in return, are you really making any more space! ;)
I do clear out every so often but then there are things I can't bear to part with, so they just go back again. I have way too much stuff!!
Pouring with rain here! :(
Vivienne x
It IS the season, Mia. I just did a big sorting and clean-out of 2 closets here!! Some of my Japanese fabrics and Scandinavian tablecloths went to a friend who will use them a lot. I feel "lighter" and agree with Jane--this is "autumn cleaning".
Those fabrics look so nice. I'm sure you will get a lot of use from them.
Happy Sunday,
Hi Mia, Such an inspiring post. I also need to do the same. I find it also clears the clutter in our head's too. I love all your new fabrics. What lovely linings they will make. I can see you feeling like you hit the jackpot!! Have a great evening. xoRobinâ¤
Hi Mia! That looks very interesting ... I'm sure you will get lovely works done with all those beautiful fabrics! It's very good to share something we don't use! But, too often I have thrown away just wrong things that I would have needed later and still keep something I will never need.
I hope you have lovely autumn!
xxx Teje
oh your brave......im not at that stage yet!
Hello Helen,
I know, and I should sort my stash(es) more regularly as I keep finding things I have forgotten :)
I am making things from the new fabrics as we speak and there might be a little giveaway coming too...So giving continues!
It must be it, Kerry, and I keep seeking greens-browns-reds...autumn colors!
Have a happy week!
Hi Jane,
Our house is too small for me&my stuff too :) so I really need to clear things out more often. And if I can share something I know someone will love...That's even better!
Happy Monday and a big kiss to B!
Hello Pam,
I had marinated those wool yarns for years too, and they actually started to make me angry when I saw them, as I didn't have time to make anything of them. And my friend...I can hear the needles clicketi-clicking as we speak :)
Feels good!
Happy day!
I know, Viv, I really shouldn't take anything in when when I finally get something out :) But my excuse is that those fabrics will be used in bags and purses which will eventually travel out again... And there might be a giveaway coming too!
Have a wonderful day, and I wish you a sunnier week!
Dear Anne,
It is the season, I know, I am rummaging my stash(es) for more autumn-y colors and at the same time putting away some I know for sure I will not have use. I already have two large bags of fabrics and clothes going to a charity shop...Great!
Have a good week and enjoy your emptier and lighter closets!
Hello Robin,
I know, the clutter around the house is clutter between my ears too, and it feels so good to get it sorted. Talking about the de-cluttering I just might have ordered a new hook or two ;) but I surely can find a spot for them still :)
Have wonderful week!
Hi Teje,
I am in love with my "new stash" and cannot wait to show you things I create of those. And I know, I have kept SO many things just in case I might need them later... I am having a brave-day now and get some of those into charity shop (I can always buy them back later ;)!)!
Have a great new week!
I know, Lyn,
It takes some courage! But I have waited long enough with some of my things (and clothes!), so it's time for them to go...And as we see, the new things will arrive too :)
Happy Monday!
I love this post Mia :o)
All my crafty bits definitely need sorting out, but I just keep making excuses!
Maybe now the children are back at all, I can make the time.
Love all your fabrics. What lovely friends you are/have :o)
Happy week to you. xx
Hi Donna,
I am very bad at keeping my things organized so I really need to make it big every now and then: take everything out from boxes/closets/shelves and sort,sort,sort...
And I do have wonderful friends including all of you from blogland :)
Have a wonderful Thursday!
Fabulous fabrics and what a great idea! I find it very difficult to get rid of things that are taking up space and wont be used but are still 'loveable' for one reason or another, what a fab idea to swap them with someone who will make use of them.
Hope you're having fun with your new stash.
Hi Beth,
I am BAD at letting anything go, but our house (and my working space) are so small I just cannot keep everything... But I am a hoarder at heart :)
Have a wonderful weekend soon!
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