Hello all lovely people! It has been such sunny and bright past a few weeks it feels spring is at least a month ahead the usual! It feels like Easter would be just around the corner (even it is not quite yet) - we have the singing birds, plus degrees during the days, melting snow... A bliss.

Some spring-inspired crafts have seen the light of day, like the happy birdie-wreaths above. Somehow this is just the time of the year that I am struggling to find the right material, wool starts to feel a bit winter-y, but summer bags and pouches need to wait still a little. I am alright with this as I have seen it before, and usually I get over it by playing my stash a while (and end up using the wool after all). I have made a little spring clean both in house and in studio, and wow do I have stuff. Huh.

Speaking of spring clean we had fun *ahem* for whole family and for whole weekend with my new shelves. I am a big fan of Scandinavian-wood-meets-white sort of home decor, and I have collected pieces for a vintage Lundia over two years (a BIG thank you for my hb, he has driven me all over this county to pick up this and that and still some), and this weekend we finally had enough pieces to put them all together. Most of my books have been in boxes still (and we moved in...a while ago) and now I got them all out. Huh what a job, took almost two days to get it all right (and I am not absolutely sure if it still needs something but please do not tell my hb, I think I cannot ask him anything for at least a week a month a year), and it feels great to have something completed.

That is all I am going to blog about our home decor this time except saying that it feels light, happy and home. I am next off to my stash-sorting, and that feels more like heavy-duty, but someone needs to tackle it. OR I could snuggle in sofa, watch Oscars I recorded last nigh and spend next four hours with Barney Neil Patrick Harris. Decisions, decisions...