I am a magpie. That's not news to those who know me, my bling-love (everything shiny and colorful) is not a secret. I have talked about this earlier already, but I just realized what a bling-stash I have when I bought a new jewelry-box the other day. In pink, naturally.

I do not have that many that expensive jewelry (just my wedding ring, watch and half empty full nomination bracelet), and I happily use plastic too. My diamonds also are more shmiamonds but they make me happy. Bigger the better, that's my dynasty-gene speaking. So I did buy a new box for my precious things. And you might have already guessed what happened? Yup, they all didn't fit in (for example my Christmas-jewelry was completely left out, and have a box of their own now). But after a little organizing and re-organizing and a gentle push I manged to get all the important pieces in. And I also decided that I will not need get any new pieces soon. But how can I help it when all the drift-stores and such are full of pretty things? Ha! I have a solution!

I will buy pretty pieces to work-purposes only for a while (please ignore the fact that many "work" pieces have moved from my working table into my bathroom drawer), and choose only those I will definitely use. Does this work? I must say I am pretty proud of myself as I have used many of my latest finds (and some pretty stuff my sister gave me too), and my jewelry box hasn't gained anything new.

I have made some keyrings and a cat-pin (see little fish in the collars, very 1999 and Tenerife, thanks Sis!), and some happy phone cozies too:

...and I still have many, many pretty beads left. A very happy magpie here wishes you a lovely Thursday!