It's almost end of the February, and it just keeps snowing. Day after day more and more. It's not as cold as it was a few weeks ago but this snow just makes me grind my teeth every time I take a glimpse outside. Currently we have 46cm/18" snow (that's the official reading, I am sure in our yard it's two times that), and this week we should have more coming each day. Excellent.

I have been doing little sorting. It's not a proper spring clean yet, but I just had it with those yarn ends, messy ribbon jars and fabric shelves. And as usual, I ended up more things to my to-do list. I mean who could throw out those perfectly cute yet too short for almost anything wools? No me, for sure.

So I have been knitting little pouches from those tiny little yarn-end-balls. Some colors I have more, some less, but striping is fun when not taken too seriously, right? I have quite a few these little pouches ready, and as soon as I find time to decorate and line them (not to mention search the perfect button each), I think I'll have a little giveaway also...I'll let you know soon.

It's been somewhat hard a few weeks around here, as all of us have been ill, and some of us a few times already. Work-wise it's been slower than usual too, and most of the days have been spent inside. But yesterday we managed to get out of the house, took a sled and did some sliding. We've all still recovering, so it wasn't too fast or furious but fun it was for sure, and we got to spend some time together outside, enjoyed the sunshine and auntie (read: me) loved sliding with that little guy. Climbing back up was harder but when you have a happy three-year-old around, you just can't pause too long.
Happy new week!
Well if you can't do anything about the snow you may as well enjoy it!!!! :)
Love your stripy pouches, looking forward to seing how you decorate them.
Fingers crossed for a thaw for you soon!
Happy new week,
Vivienne x
Hi Mia! Lovely happy stripes - I love them and today especially the gray one! I hope you can enjoy the snow because you can't avoid it!
Also I hope that you are now well! It is so tireing to be ill. My hb has a cold now second time and I feel from yesterday that I have catched it, too.
Wonderful week to you! x Teje
Love the colours of the pouches. Looking forward to seeing how they are decorated.
Täällä myös hiukkasen lumentulo kyllästyttää. Ei muuten, mutta kun lasten kanssa on lähes mahdotonta liikkua kun hankia ei aurata tarpeeksi, tai tarpeeksi pian ja kärryt juuttuu minuutin välein hankeen. Pulkasta taas lapset lentelee pitkin tietä kun kinokset on niin epätasaisia. Mut se siitä valituksesta. Onhan siellä kaunista. ;)
Mä oon kans vähän sellainen, etten voi pienempiäkään tilkkuja hävittää. Aika rasittava piirre, varsinkin siinä vaiheessa kun tilkkupussukoita alkaa kasaantua joka paikkaan, mut minkäs teet. Ei voi haaskatakaan. :)
Toivottavasti paranette pian. Nyt on aika ärhäköitä tauteja liikkeellä.
Pussukat näyttää kivoilta. Mä myös ootan innolla mitä kivaa niihin keksit koristeiksi. Innolla ootan myös sun arvontaa!
Korjaus edelliseen kärry-nitinään, ei minuutin, vaan pikemminkin viiden metrin.
Hi my dear Mia.... I hate to say this with all your snow but we are promised 15c on Thursday and Friday..yes seriously. It may be just a pre spring blip but is much welcomed. You obviously had fun though in the is great to get outside. I think everyone has colds at the moment; sending you healing hugs. Your little striped pouches are fab and what a great idea to get them done now;you have spring cleaned your yarns yet nothing has been wasted. Happy Tuesday and take care,
Jane x
Hello Mia,
I hope the colds are over and you can have more outside time with Mr. L.
If it helps you feel better, we are supposed to have snow every day this week!!
I love the blue stripe pouch.
Happy better week to you---
Hello Vivienne,
That's what we thought also :) it is there so let's enjoy! I am wishing us some sunnier days and getting green with envy as your degrees are getting better and better...
Happy week!
Hi Teje,
We're all better, but it has been hard last weeks, very cold outside and having bad cold inside = not fun. I wish you'll be feelings better soon.
I wish I can show the finished pouches to you all soon!
Thank you, Leah, I wish it'll happen soon!
Have a happy and sunny week!
Heipsis Nova,
Täälläkin on karmivia röykkiöitä kaikkea, josta "joskus kun ehdin miettiä mitä" tulee muka jotakin ;) Olen kyllä pieninmpiä kangastilkkusia laittanut myös mäkeen, ei niitä koskaan saa kaikkia käytettyä *huokaus*
Lunta on täälläkin ihan yli oman tarpeen, ja lisää tuiskuttaa koko ajan...No, kohta ollaan jo maaliskuussa, kai tää joskus loppuu?!
Mukavaa viikkoa!
I know Jane, and it really really really almost ;) hurts to even read about those degrees *sigh* But I wish you can enjoy the beautiful weather, spend some time in garden with Billy and later share it all with us in your blog - sounds like a plan?
Happy Wednesday!
Hello dear Anne,
It's looking better here now, and I wish we've had our share of illness for this spring (read: year)... And hopefully spring starts soon at yours and here, too!
Happy week!
I agree with Vivienne!! ;o)
I think your little stripy pouches look gorgeous Mia!
I so wish you could send your snow to us my dear!
Have a happy day Mia,
Love Donna x
Thank you Donna!
And oh yes, it snows as I type this so we definitely have some to spare ;)
Have a great day and weekend (again!) soon!
Love the little pouches, so soft and stripy. I am sure that you can have too much of the snow, even though it looks pretty. Hope it warms up and thaws out for you very soon.
Enjoy your weekend, Mia.
Helen x
Thank you, Helen, and I wish to get that little pouch-give away arranged soon, probably next week.
I wish you more beautiful, sunny days and happy weekend!
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