I keep wondering why we (and I definitely mean me here) do keep things in our (my) closets when we do not have use for them? Or marinade crafting supplies if we clearly have no time to use them? I have so many "when I retire" projects in my to-do list that I should leave my job tomorrow to be able to make them all in my lifetime. So it's definitely time to share.
I love knitting but I just do not have time to make it for "me", I do it daily for my work. So I chose the mittens-socks-scarfs-yarns, put them into a bag and gave them to my friend. Who I know for sure will make many pairs during this autumn. And what did my friend do? She packed up two huge boxes and a large plastic bag full of fabrics for me! She's changing a career and said that she definitely does not need all of these. And truth to be said there were still a few yards left on her closets - but look at my lot here!

I have just started to sort them by color, and it'll soon be followed by pink-flowered-big, yellow-with-birds-small-piles. This makes me so happy, and grateful too. My friend decided to give, even I know how much she loves these fabrics. I am definitely starting to sort out my closets again, there are so many clothes, crafting supplies, yarns and magazines that would make someone else happy (and I would gain some needed space!), and I definitely am calling this month The Sharing-September and it'll be followed by the Owning-it-all-does-not-make-me-happy-October and Not-for-me-November! Anyone else doing the same?
Happy Sunday!