Midsummer Eve started with rain and dark clouds, but it was thankfully soon cleared by some pretty blue skies and sunshine. Cold it has been, so my Midsummer roses are still in buds, but oh boy there will be quite a few flowers once all those are open! And thanks to rain we have had here daily *sigh* nature is in full bloom, green and beautiful.

Due to not-so-brilliant weather forecast we planned being indoors a lot, and stocked up board games, movies and all kind of treats from marshmallows to pop corn and blueberry cheese cake. And Moomin cookies, one must not forget the Moomin cookies.

It was a lovely surprise to see the sun appear after all the darkness and rain, and even the torrent wind was gone. We happily parked outside, dined out (BBQ!) and played our games and ate our treats at patio too. And loved every second of it!

How was your Midsummer-weekend?
I know I have been away the blogland a lot lately, and have abandoned even the wonderful blog-posts you lovely people have written during the last months. I have had some laptop problems (now blogging from hb's), but the main reason is that I have had quite a lot on my plate again. Since January I had a special project here in my hometown, and it just took almost all I got and some, even it was truly rewarding and wonderful at the same time. We had the last of it just before Midsummer, and now the school's out and so am I - and hopefully getting back to blogging saddle again. My Etsy-shop is also looking a bit sad and lonely, but I wish to get it blooming soon again. In the meanwhile I am still taking it somewhat slow, and getting inspiration from Pinterest and IG and all over - and I will be visiting you all wonderful bloggers asap. Happy summer days to you all, and if you happen to have any sunshine to spare: send it over, please!
Some lilac-scented greetings to you all!