The very first week of 2011 has almost gone already and I haven't posted once. I apologize dearly, and to my defense say that I have enjoyed my holidays tremendously, it's been really lovely. That said it's also been a bit difficult to get back on track - everything seems to be moving quite slowly around here still (I think it's actually me).

It's not been only pillow-cuddling though, I have done some serious aunting (kisses, sweetie!) for almost a week, and also got some bags and pouches knitted here and there. And those pillow-covers above too - I hope they make you smile as much as me! As you can see of these pictures , the amount the light around here is not blinding yet, but we're definitely getting there. Sun actually made a brief appearance today and on Tuesday, I think. Spring here we come!

I have also made one and only new year's resolution and that's not to blog daily. I feel after the busy autumn and December-posts I need a little break, so I'll try couple-times-a-week phase and we'll see how it goes. Just now it feels I have absolutely nothing new to say or show, but on the other hand there's Teje's beautiful award, some wonderful Christmas presents, new bag designs... I just take it slowly and we'll see!
Here's to new, crafty year and many happy days! I'll see you soon again!
Here's to new, crafty year and many happy days! I'll see you soon again!
Mia I have missed you, SO glad to see you back and I quite agree we need a slightly slower pace now that Christmas is over-LOL! I cannot dare show you giraffe cushion to my son...he loves giraffes as I love pigs..that is such a great cover. I'm just about to finish off our dinner so a quick hello from me and see you again really soon,
Enjoy your slower evening my dear.
Love Jane x
Hi Mia, lovely to hear from you! :)
I've missed you, we got so used to you being here every day in December, it seems strange that your not any more!
You're right though to take it at your own pace, it is hard work blogging every day.
Love the cushions, they are great!!
Hope 2011 is everything you want it to be!
Vivienne x
Hello Mia Lovely to see your cheerful crafting! I think you needed a rest after your extremely hard work blogging special crafty posts each day in December (which we really did appreciate). Just write a post when you feel like it, and enjoy your blogging and have fun! Helen x
Hello Jane,
I have missed you and your posts too (and visited your blog many times just to see if you had posted!) and I am now off to your blog admire those wonderful jewelries and cards you have there to GIVEAWAY! That's just a great way to start this year!
And cushion covers were a custom-order but I had a great difficulty sending them off as I fell in love them myself :)
See you soon again!
Hi Viv,
I have missed you, and the blogging too, but just needed a break as I said in my post, I felt I have nothing much left to say :) But you know me, I cannot be quiet more than five minutes so I am sure I'll be blogging almost daily soon...
...I just want to enjoy this slower phase a bit longer!
Have a lovely beginning for your 2011 and we'll see again soon!
Hello Helen,
Lovely new year to you too! I am sure I'll be busy preparing many posts each week in no time, I just would like to hang into this holiday-thing a bit longer and then just take a giant jump straight to Easter! Sounds like a plan?
Have a wonderful day and I'll see you soon at your blog and mine again!
I missed you too Mia, those cushions are so cute. Have a good year.
Thank you, Lyn, and I've missed all of your lovely comments! I am back and believe me, in no time back to my normal busy-blogging :)
Happiest first week of 2011 to you!
All your foxy things always make me smile- I see my bag whenever I go up/down our stairs- lovely!
All your foxy things always make me smile- I see my bag whenever I go up/down our stairs- lovely!
Hi Kerry,
I thought you might like the cover :) and I am so happy you liked your bag!
Have a happy week and many greetings from very snowy Finland!
Those cushions are sweet. Hope you start to get more light soon.
Thank you, Emer!
It's wonderful to have you commenting, please feel most welcome to come soon again!
Happiest year beginning to you!
Hello Mia! You gave us so wonderful December with your Christmas calender - but it needed lots of time every day, so of course you need a holiday! I hope to see you often but also I feel that 2 times a week is good! I have thought to post one day, to do other computer works (e-mails etc.) second day and one day without computer.... I'd like to post every second day, but it needs quite much time. Any way, when ever you write - we are here to read!
I love your cushions!
xxx Teje
Hi Teje,
Thank you so much for your message! And I like your plan, some time off computer is good sometimes...but not too long :)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Dear Mia, I too have missed you was wondering if you were okay. I know Holiday is tough so much to do it seems, but, I see you post you feel as if you have nothing to say. I hope you know it's not so we are not only here to view you talent we are also your friends, who are happy to read anything about your life. We certainly value just you.
Blessings to you, Hugs, Dani
Thank you, Dani!
Everything great here, just a bit holiday-ish still :)I wish you the happy and crafty start for your 2011!
We're happy to read about your creations any time. I know you are busy with your nephew and some custom orders. Happy creating in 2011!!
You too, Anne, have a happy and crafty year!
Lovely to have you visiting again!
And I'll post tomorrow :)
pour toutes vos réaliations,
c'est trés mimi,
Merci, Clare!
And that's about it with my French! Thank you so much for visiting, and please feel most welcome to come again soon!
Welcome back Mia, and lovely pictures to start off 2011.
P x
Thank you Pam, and great to see you here too again! I wish your New Year has started great, here we have snow-snow-snow and some new projects too...coming up!
See you soon again!
How have I not seen this post with those gorgeous cushions . That giraffe is just sooo cute - love the grin,
Thank you, Lisa!
Most of my creations have quite big grins - and they're made to make you smile, too!
Happy day!
Hello, Mia!
I can't believe my cute little custom order cushions are there on your blog! Oh, I feel honored! My little foxy and giraffe cushions are so cute! And they say hello and thank you for making us here from sunny California! (We are very lucky to be having a rather unusually warm weekend this January...lucky us). I really love my pillow cushions! Thank you again for making them!
much love,
Hi Clare!
Oh yes, these pretty ones have been admired here by many others too (as you can see in the comments!) and I have to admit, that I had hard time sending them away as I liked them too :) But I know you'll give them the greatest home!
I hope you're having a good week and feeling happier! Sunshine (oh yes and snow!) from Finland!
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