It's October, Sunday and sun shines - is there anything better? Some might say that sunny Sunday in June could just top this day, but I'll try my best to prove them otherwise: it's a time for a teeny weeny giveaway!

I was fortunate enough to receive a pot of gold from my dear friend last weekend (fabrics that is), and I just wanted to share some of that with you guys. There were some small yet very pretty scraps and I sew them into three sets of funny coasters!

There are two in each pair, and I just hope they would make that morning tea/coffee/cocoa a teeny bit brighter for you. So if you think you or a friend or even a colleague would need cheering up for this autumn, please leave a comment on this post! It would be wonderful if you could number the sets 1-2-3 as your prefer them, so when the winners will be picked in a weeks time I could try to choose the most loved sets to each person. This might not work out perfectly, but... Who knows? Here are the sets:
1. Happy squirrels, pretty flowers and berries in brown&yellow-set

2. Happy hoots, some flowers and cheerful dots in purple&violet-set

3. Smiling matryoska aka Russian dolls and pretty stripes in pastel shades-set

Wishing you happy choosing, and I will be randomly choosing the three winners on next Sunday, October 9th! Oh and yes, these sets (after some serious ironing, I promise) will be shipped anywhere you live and the envelopes might also include some super smooth Finnish chocolate. Just in case of emergency aka rainy day, you know!
Sunny Sunday!
They are all gorgeous :) but no 2 for me I think.... if I win!
Sue Xxx
It's October, Sunday and wet here! :(
If I ate chocolate everytime it rained here I would be the size of a house!!!
Now the gorgeous, gorgeous coasters, oh Mia putting them in order is difficult they are all so lovely!
Ok then, as I like earthy colours and nature I'm going to go with the pretty little squirrels and as my daughter loves Russian dolls I'll go with them next and then the owls but they are lovely too!!
So 1, 3, & 2.
Happy Sunday Mia and thanks for the lovely giveaway,
Vivienne x
Aivan ihania ovat kaikki, mutta tällä hetkellä pöllöt ovat parasta, mitä meillä tiedetään, joten jos onni potkisi, valinta olisi number 2.
Mia, What a great giveaway, don't we all love a lovely gift. I looked and looked at all the coasters and honestly I could not decide I would be pleased with any of those fun fabrics. What a great pick on fabric combinations you did. So please count me in and I will keep my fingers crossed. So happy you are having nice weather, we are having rain and it is bringing all the leaves down. Kinda looks pretty. Happy Day to you, xoRobin❤
Hi from Czech Republic, Mia !
I do like your felted bags.Thanks for your nice giveaway. Little squirrels are so lovely ! If I win, so 1,2. No matrjoschkas for me.
Happy week to you.
Lenka ( )
Hei Mia! Oh those sweeties would cheer anyone's morning! I would love to see those cute owls fly to Crete!
I love all your fabrics but this time it's easy to choose: My favourite = 2. owls! then 3. matryoska and 1. brown squirrels.
Thank you for making these goodies for us! and did you say something about Finnish chocolate, too?!
Have a lovely week!
xxx Teje
Hellurei! Ihana arvonta! Jos onni potkii, niin pöllöt voisivat matkata meille.. :)
Oot kyllä tosi taitava!
Hi Mia, what a hoot...a wonderful giveaway! Yes the sun has shone here all weekend and we reached 30oc..what a wonderful memory for 2nd October. I love these coasters Mia but if I had to put them in order it would be the Hoots 1st. My order would be 2,1,3. Thanks for the giveaway and fingers crossed!
Jane x
Hi Mia what a lovely giveaway. I would go for no.2 myself. Happy sunday and Happy October.
Love your giveaway, Mia!!
Sunny weather here this weekend.
I love all of the coasters and my picks are 3,2, 1.
My niece collects the Russian dolls.
Wish me luck,
Gorgeous giveaway, Mia!! I am rather spoilt for choice but think my preferred order would be 3-2-1!
These are really lovely, and a clever combination of different fabrics on each set.
Have a happy week, Mia!
Helen x
Lovely- as all your creations are, Mia! I love the squirrels best- what a surprise... My order would be 1,3,2. And did you also mention Finnish chocolate???(I'd make a wish for Geisha or that great Fazer piparkakku suklaa *drool*- just a hint, though ;))
♥ Maike
Love those stripey ones Mia!
P xx
Number 1 would go quite well with my reclaimed barn wood coffee table! Please and thank you Mia!
Gosh they are all gorgeous and it makes it very hard to choose a favourite! However after much deliberation . . . the order is 2,3,1. But any one would be gratefully received.
Many thanks x
If i manage to leave this comment (blogger is being naughty!) then I would love a chance to enter :o)
If I was lucky enough to win, I'd like set 3, then set 2 then set 1.
But they are all beautiful!
Have a most wonderful weekend Mia :o)
**The comments are now officially ;) closed, and the winners will be announced soon. Thank you so much everybody! Yours, Mia**
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