
May Day

The weather is not that great but it is a traditional Finnish May Day weather.
Only the snow is missing.

Was it really 18 (eighteen!!) years ago when I first wore that hat?
Hopefully its owner has aged better...

Spring is late or it feels like it. So what´s to be done? Make your own flowers!

Happy May 1st!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mia, Happy 1st May!
Isn't it great no matter what the weather we can always make our own flowers. :) I've been making some myself this morning.
Vivienne x

Mia said...

Dear Vivienne,

My thoughts exactly :) I am now off to your blog to see your latest prettiness!

Happy spring!


This time of the year...

Usually around this time, when children go back to school, and you can just about to smell the autumn, I start to dig deeper in my fabric...