I don't really know why I keep carrying all the stuff I have in my bag around. My worst nightmare (almost at least) would be stopped at the street by someone, who would like to see and maybe even photograph the content of my bag. You've seen those sort of articles at cosmo or somewhere and they always have only elegant stuff and maybe one receipt there (a latte they bought five minutes ago) and they're just about to toss that. That's not me.

I make decisions every now and then to keep my bag clean of extra stuff. Like books, pens, chewing gum, measuring tape. Yes and sort out the essentials like cell, wallet, makeup pouch, keys and camera. And those receipts. I just seem to put them into my bag and forget them. Huh.

In the meanwhile (when I am making an effort to get more organized) I keep making these pretty little purses, and who knows someday I'll leave the house carrying one of those. And just that.
Colorful Thursday - it is almost weekend again!
Colorful Thursday - it is almost weekend again!
Oh, I certainly know just what you mean on this one Mia! The things I keep in my bag "just in case". Of what I'm not too sure.
Maybe if I was to get a beautiful little clutch like those floral ones, then I would make sure that it wouldn't be pulled out of shape by all that rubbish I carry around?
Beautiful as ever Mia.
P x
Mia I solve the problem of losing things in my large handbag by having your beautiful grey birdie purse my husband bought me last year AND the tweed tweet purse I bought this year in side my big bag!
That way I have my phone, key and important things straight at hand and I can also keep admiring my handmadebymia treasures!
It's a glorious day here, sun's shining...making up for the horrid rainy yesterday.
It's my day off and I'm off out to enjoy it.
Enjoy that bike ride, you are really doing well with the exercise.
Love Jane x
Hi again, Pam!
Glad to hear that there are others out there with this same problem ;) I keep getting bigger and bigger bags (you see where my problem lurks?) so I can carry more and more stuff. I have some pretty smaller bags too so...I am getting there!
Happy and sunny Thursday!
Hi again, Jane!
I am just off to biking, it's sunny (yet freezing) here! I am so happy to hear you've found good use for those pouches of yours! Makes me smile!
I also sent you a message via etsy just... My Christmas stockings are quite empty still...
Talk to you soon!
You know Mia, my bags keep getting bigger too not a good idea as the more room you have you more you stuff in!!!!
Although if anything is going to make one use a clutch bag it would be those little pretties you have made!
Have a lovely day, weather here still beautiful! :)
Vivienne x
Just found your blog and I just love the felting on the knitted clutch. Beautiful. Carina x
Hi Viv,
You're so welcome to join the club of larger-than-life-bag-ladies - me and Pam already members at least :)
It's beautiful here too, sunny and crispy and it's Friday tomorrow already, that was quick!
Happy Thursday and enjoy the sun!
Hello Carina,
And welcome! It's wonderful to have new visitors commenting, and I hope you'll stop by again! I just made a quick jump at your blog and wow! what a delicious post there...I'll be back definitely!
Happy Thursday!
I have to say as much as I like looking at bags I very rarely use one . I just use a small one with purse , phone , inhaler , keys and camera in it - sometimes I don't even take a purse ..this might have to change now though with all the bits and pieces I have to take to school ..
Oh that's so good, just grab your essentials and go! And all the best for your new journey, Lisa, it sounds wonderful!
Happy weekend!
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