Not much to show or see around here today, I'm afraid. I've been ill whole weekend and haven't finished the things I should have *sigh* but while spending time in bed I had time to design new stuff. Well on Sunday that was, Friday and Saturday I just slept. Great. But now to the new challenges, happy and energetic as ever (well feeling much better at least)!

My weekend was as blurry as the picture but I remember laughing (and the coughing) SO LOUD to P.G.Wodehouse at some point. Great stories, really.
Good morning Mia. I do hope you're feeling better now - there's something so sad about missing a weekend. Lying in bed is good for thinking though. I do know that. A better week on its way surely. P x
Here's to a better week Mia!!!!!
Vivienne x
Poor you Mia, get better soon!
Love Jane x
PS Billy sends a get well purr to you (now that will definately make you feel much better!)
Hi again, Pam!
I am feeling a bit better, thank you, still quite tired but better.
I wish you a wonderful week!
Thanks Viv,
Have a great week too!
Hi Jane,
I am a bit better, yet quite tired still. Billy's kiss made me feel wonderful though :)
Happy week!
Oh Mia, I do hope you feel better soon. I agree with Pam, there is something sad about missing a weekend so hope the week is a huge improvement. Beth :)
oh no , sorry to hear about your germs ... hope you feel 100% better soon
Hi Beth,
I know, it's unbelievable what a difference there is to be ill on Thursday or on Saturday. But I am feeling a bit better now; taking things slowly helps. And I hope that this being-sick-season has left our family now for a while at least *sigh*
Happy week!
Thanks, Lisa, I am!
But the illness was hard, I was almost out from here half Friday and whole Saturday and am still weak. But better...
...I wish your week is sunny and bright!
Glad you are feeling better - the long sleep probably did you the power of good. Not sleeping well in our house at moment as we have two new young cats and they are very active at night! Hope you have a lovely productive week. Karen X
Thank you, Karen!
I am feeling do much better, yet I am just getting myself to work full speed, maybe it's actually good :)
Wish you a great week too!
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