I am feeling much more cheerful today (did some therapeutic shopping yesterday, Beth's can be recommended HIGHLY) and I also created some holiday-items for my shop after all. And found the way to combine tweed and needle felting again, and I love how these little coasters turned out! I can definitely feel more of these coming...

...there actually already is a snowmen-set, but I'll show that to you later.
Now I am off to aunting, and wish you the greatest weekend!
See you next week!
Now I am off to aunting, and wish you the greatest weekend!
See you next week!
Enjoy your aunting and have a great weekend, Mia!! Glad your feeling better!
Lovely coasters. :)
Vivienne x
I love gingerbread men - these look wonderful on your coasters!
Helen x
They are so cheerful Mia and as for the snowmen a pair are coming my way!!
I have a day off today and I am meeting another friend for lunch before we all get too busy with all the Christmas celebrations.
Must dash, speak soon.
Have a great weekend, it's my Open House on Sunday, my final jewellery party of the year.
Love Jane x
Thank you, Viv, for happy weekend wishes! Same to you from snowy Finland!
Thank you, Helen!
I loved your gingerbread men at your blog, and I just HAD yo make a coaster set with them! Gingerbread men are my second best holiday figures, only snowmen I love more :)
I know you'll love your snowmen, Jane, I'll make them cheerful and happy as ever :)
Have the happiest weekend and all the best for the last jewelry show of the year, after that it CHRIIIIISTMAAAAS only :)
Glad you're feeling a bit better and huge thanks for linking me :) Love the gingerbread men, brilliant combo of tweed and Christmas.
Hi Beth,
My pleasure, as I love your items!
Have a wonderful and crafty (if there's time!) weekend too!
Love your blog and what you make!
(you're on our blog in a mosaic)
Thank you so much, dutch sister!
Happy to have you visiting!
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