You would, quite easily even, think that when you already have the most wonderful cardigan ever, there's really no way to make it any better.


Enter a pink diamond-shiamond scarab...

... and now it's perfect.
Shiny Thursday!
Shiny Thursday!
P.S. Both the cardi and the little bug were thrifted finds, the jacket was found in Helsinki a few years back (picked for me by my sis) and the cutest insect I discovered at local fleamarket the other day costing 1euro/0,8£/1,4usd. Love.
Mia that pink diamond encrusted scarab must have shouted at the top of his voice..."Mia" as you walked was obviously made for your almost (but now) perfect cardigan. What a find. Happy Thursday,
Jane x
Dear Jane,
I knew you would understand me in this :) I just couldn't leave the bug behind. Couldn't.
Have a wonderful Thursday, kiss Billy for me please, and we'll have weekend soon again! Amazing!
Gorgeous :)
Sue Xxx
Thank you so much Sue,
I love it all too!
Sunshine to your Thursday!
Mia, just love your cardigan and your find at the flea market. You find the best things. You definitely have a knack for finding things or them finding you!!!! Do they really shout "MIA MIA"?! hahahaha
The scarab looks lovely and I'm sure beautiful on you.
Have happy happy day, xoRobin❤
Dear Robin,
I think they actually do shout ;) in my ears at least! I do rarely find clothes for myself in fleamarkets (I'm tall, I love pink, I do not wear hipster-sort of fashion :) you see my problem here?) but there are some gems like these two. Loving them both!
Have a wonderful weekend coming soon again (an another week gone!), and sunshine from here!
Sooo pretty, Mia! I love the beaded flowers on the cardi and the beautiful little bug is so perfect with it, it looked as if you'd had it custom made! Gorgeous!
Have a happy nearly weekend.
Helen x
Thank you, Helen!
When I saw the bug I new with what I'll wear it! What a happy find it was!
Have a sunny and wonderful weekend too!
Oh Mia I love the 'beetle bling', just the perfect colour for your cardie and of course for you! ;)
One euro??! Absolute bargain. :)
Happy Thursday,
Vivienne x
Hello Viv,
I was shocked too when I saw the price, I actually bought an another pretty brooch from the same seller too (a bird) and I'll show that later, it also was 1euro! Sometimes there are such a wonderful bargains!
Have a great weekend soon!
Loving the scarab! (and the cardi). Bethx
Thank you Beth, I love them both!
Many happy greetings from SO SUMMERY and HOT Finland! Great weekend!
Dear Mia,
Good things do come from Helsinki---I love that cardigan.
The brooch is so you (I've never seen one exactly like it)!!!!
Happy Birthday weekend to L, again.
xx Anne
Dear Anne,
I know, I know, and that's exactly why we're heading there next weekend! I wish I'll have MANY things to show to you after that trip! And the little bug is fantastic, all the other jewelry on that stand had 80s feel to it, maybe this one is from that (my favorite!) era too?
Have a good weekend, L's B-day was a wonderful one!
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