

I think I already told you, that we went to a crafting event last weekend, and it was such fun. The children cut angels and elves and other cute things, and clued them absolutely everywhere. Lovely Christmassy atmosphere, smiling faces and happy people.

And look what I spotted! A wonderful owl-mobile, some branches, cutest ever handmade owls and some painted pine cones - I am in love! Let's take a closer look of the little owls:

Absolutely charming! I am going to craft something like this with my little nephew soon; this is just a thing for us to make together, and he'll love the pine cone-panting too for sure. I think our owls and cones will be hanged from a chandelier... And some toadstools and something green...What has inspired you lately?

Happy December 8th!


P.S. Giveaway here until December 15th! Welcome!


greenrabbitdesigns said...

You Mia, you always inspire! :)
Cute little owls. :)
Happy Thursday,
Vivienne x

Nova Melina said...

Onpas suloinen mobile!

Donna -Little Tiny Stitches said...

These are so cute :o)

And YOU inspire me Mia! I think you're amazing, and admire you and your work tremendously :o)

Have a happy day x

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Mia! You will have fun with that project! xxx Teje

faith76 said...

what a fun idea x tweeeeet twooooooo ! :)


Jane said...

I'm loving your inspiration Mia and always do. Enjoy making your owl mobile with your dear nephew, nearly the weekend!
Jane x

mynestofyarnandbuttons said...

Lovely idea and so cute! You could have it up year round if you changed the color scheme from season to season! Lots of fun and inspiration, xoRobinâť…

Anne said...

Love the owls and pincones!
Mia, your wool and fabric designs are always inspiring.


Mia said...

Thank you, all, so much for your wonderful comments!

Happy weekend, stay warm and cozy!


This time of the year...

Usually around this time, when children go back to school, and you can just about to smell the autumn, I start to dig deeper in my fabric...