We had a lovely weekend! Wonderful castle, beautiful scenery, just enough snow to make everything white and pretty, great company and relaxing time.

We played a lot of hide&seek "auntie, you can come to seek me now"...

...and we sought after those tiny parts endlessly. Some of us spent significant amount of time in pools and jacuzzi's, and we all ate and slept so well. Lovely. Now I am back to work, sun shines and new crafts are in mind/making/ready. I'll show them to you soon!
Happy Tuesday!
What a gorgeous place to stay Mia, so glad you had a relaxing break.
I'm happy to hear you were playing hide and seek for a minute there I thought the castle was haunted and you had a little ghost in your room!!! ;)
Little Lego bits, oh joy I remember them so well, especially when you stand on them in bare feet!
Happy Tuesday, a bit grey here today.
V x
Hello Vivienne,
We had the loveliest time, and even there were ghost or two we all slept so well it didn't bother us at all :)
Now I am happily facing the last days of January (hooray for Feb!) - and I wish you a lovely week, lot's of sunshine and happy crafts!
Oih, kelpais mullekin rentoutuminen tuolla!
Sulla on ihania juttuja tullut kauppaan. Se karhu-pussukka on ihan mielettömän hieno. Odotan innolla mitä uutta taas taiteilet!
Hi Mia,
The best kind of castle---comfortable, relaxing and a bit haunted!!
I'm so happy you all could have a winter break.
Happy Tuesday and happy creating,
Hi Mia! I'm happy to hear you had a wonderful weekend! And in the Castle - wow!
I saw beautiful green in your shop - I guess I make my next treasury list with green...
x Teje
Heipsan Nova,
Oltiin tuolla "häämatkalla" syksyllä, ja tosi mukava paikka oli, lapsiystävällinen, rento mutta sopivasti hieno (ei siis liian hieno eikä kallis!)....Ja päätettiin jo ennen joulua, että tammikuussa mennään uudelleen (tammikuu on extra-inhokki kuukausi).
Kiitos kauniista kommenteistasi tuotteistani, nyt tuntuu että on uutta intoa tehdä juttuja...Kevät, taitaa jo haiskahtaa... :)
Ihania vikoja tammikuun päiviä!
Terkuin Mia
Dear Anne,
It was lovely, and now I have new energy to make new things. And L loved it too :)
Have a wonderful week, dear friend, and we'll talk soon again!
Hello Teje,
It was great, suitable drive from home, pretty places and hot tub - can you ask more ;)
I have been thinking/making things with green lately, it must be the pre-spring thing... I am happy you like my work!
Fantastic week and happy crafting!
Oh Mia that looks like a princess' castle, how fabulous! I am so glad you had a wonderful relaxing time and you are now full of creative energy. I can't wait to see your new work. The joys of Lego.....you can lose hours playing with it...and that's just the adults ;0)
Keep snug in your own castle,
Jane x
Dear Jane,
We had lovely time, and I am so happy we went as it made this January so much more shorter and nicer ;)
Have a wonderful week and enjoy your mild (is it still?) weather! Kisses to Billy-boy!
Mia, that castle looks so pretty :o)
So pleased you had such a nice break..the hot tub bit sounds very good to me!
Looking forward to seeing your spring crafty goodness :o)
Have a happy week Mia, and wrap up warm!
Love Donna xx
P.s. We won't mind if your want to send us all some of your beautiful snow :o)
For a second I thought you moved! Wishful dreaming...right! That palace looks simply amazing! What a luxury, so happy you got to go.
Can't wait to see your inspirations!
Have a grand week, xoRobin❤
Hi Donna,
I have about two tons of pretty, white snow ready to be shipped to be to you, dear friend - and just let me know if you needed/wanted some more, it snows as I write to you... I am happily making new crafts here and looking forward to spring so much already.
Wishing you a wonderful week and happy crafting!
Dear Robin,
I wouldn't mind having a castle like that then all of you my blogging friends could come and stay :)
I am so happy we did go, it just cut the January-dullness greatly! I wish you a wonderful last days of January, February is a real spring-month already!
What a fabulous looking castle, I'm so glad your read you had a lovely time. The comment on looking for small pieces of lego made me laugh, we spend endless hours hunting it here as well! Bethx
Hello Beth,
I know, I know and as Vivienne said, the missing piece usually finds its way under someones bare feet ;)
Have a happy Sunday!
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