When the days get brighter and streets dry, I get my beloved bike out. It's so much more easier to go to thriftstores and fleamarkets too; I can just take my bike and be on my way in minutes, and avoid that parking spot seeking which I absolutely hate. The down side is that weather quite often surprises the happy biker: it was sunny and +something degrees when you left home and when you hit the road to get back you might face slippery, icy roads and horizontal sleet. You might say that keeps it all interesting and oh yes, makes the treasures you find so much more appreciated.

I have found some pretty fabrics and some books missing in my collection lately, but the thing made me most cheerful was found on last Sunday when me&sis visited a big, indoor fleamarket in a local sports hall. We didn't have that high hopes as the weather was Finnish-spring at its best (heavy rains and dark clouds hanging low) but I found a treasury almost immediately when we arrived: buttons!

And it's not news of any sort that I love buttons! I have quite a few but there's always room for more. Always. And to my defense I can say I actually use them, a lot. All that said you can imagine after I found those pretty ones my face looked like this (and please notice my earrings):

Happy! There were many older ones (the seller-lady told me they date around '85 - my favorite era), and I got some new, flowery plastic beads and tiny pink (yes, pink!) hearts and crowns too. And to prove my point of using the treasures also here are my latest creations, happy tweets with happy button-cozies! These will end up my shop when I find the time.

Lovely Tuesday!
I love buttons too, Mia and I adored this post! Your button words are so cheery...how wonderful that you found so many like that! I love your new makes too, and how you created the little button flowers.
Have a happy sunny week.
Helen x
Haha, love the little button messages (and the earrings)! :)
Quite a lucky find there Mia and I know you'll make good use of them and you have already with your little cosies!
You're a brave girl cycling in the 'Finnish spring'! ;)
Happy Tuesday,
Vivienne xxxxxxxx
Sweet sweet Mia,
You and me and Helen, we all love BuTtOnS!!
Love your post and bike story. I also like to ride my bike, I always feel so free and kid like!
Hope your weather continues to become SpRiNgliKe!!
Thank you Mia for a smiley post! What a great found and lovely buttons!
I hope you have ordered sunshine for the next two weeks ... or should I bring some!
x Teje
I know you loved button, Helen, and you use such a pretty ones in your beautiful work too! I think one can never have too many buttons... :)
Have a wonderful week too!
Thank you, Vivienne!
I was so happy to find these little treasures, but still I am using them happily too! Giving and sharing, you know...
Happy Tuesday!
I know, we love them so, don't we! And more is better in this matter, don't you agree :)
Have a happy day and many warm wishes from Finland again!
Hello Teje,
I was so happy when I found these little ones (and I'm sure everyone around me didn't get what I was getting so excited about...) and I already have put them in use too!
Welcome, dear friend, and I would think if there's any room in your luggage, little sunshine wouldn't harm :) I HAVE ordered a lot for you but still...
What a fun, pink Hello!! Another button lover here!
Quite the find at the flea market.Isn't it lovely to find something you like a lot and need.
Happy creating and stay warm on your bicycle.
Hello dear Anne,
It's raining as I type but I'm warmed by the thought of all us button-lovers all over the world!
Have a wonderful day and happy packing soon :)
Hyvät nappilöydöt ja miten ihanat pussukat taas! Eka nappisatsi on eritoten mun makuun. Johtuukohan tuosta pienestä prinsessasta joka täällä asuu, joka on lahjakkaasti siedättänyt kaiken prinsessamaisen äidinkin makua miellyttäväksi. ;)
Aurinkoista loppuviikkoa!
Heipsan Nova,
No arvaa vaan tärräsikö täällä kädet kun hipelöin noita ekoja sydämiä ja kukkasia :) - prinsessa-maku jyllää täälläkin (eli mikään pinkki ei voi olla huonoa!)
Ihanaista huhtikuuta sinne, ja toivottavasti saatte nauttia hiukkasen paremmasta säästä kuin täällä, räntää tulee taivahan täydeltä....
Terkuin Mia
What treasure you found Mia! I too just LOVE buttons and some I just cannot bear to use! I have some quite old buttons from my Mum and I just like to keep them in my sewing box. I am glad to hear that you have been able to get back on your bike, that is also such a great way to keep fit. I will look forward to seeing all these lovely buttons appearing on your wonderful makes.
Jane x
Hello dear Jane,
I know, I also have some treasured buttons I am not going to use, but otherwise I am getting better and better with sharing these treasures I found! One simply cannot keep all one finds :)
I love biking and wish it'll get easier soon, with that sleet today *sigh* ...
Happy, sunny week!
wow!! so happy i found your blog! everything is so cute and lovely...you can add me to your fan club!!!!
Hello Peli,
And welcome to my blog! I'm happy you liked what you saw - and wish you'll visit me soon again!
Have a great Wednesday and many warm wishes from snowy (yes, again!) Finland!
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