It's Midsummer Day already, I can't believe it! My past weeks have been very busy, and I have been neglecting both my own blog-updates and also the lovely blogs I read. I apologize, and promise to be back in both on more regular basis soon, starting today.

Summer is still late here (it actually haven't really even started), and the weather has been bad. Cold, rainy and windy, and my roses have opened just a few buds. They're usually in full bloom around midsummer, but not his year. But it really doesn't matter as these a few days have been beautiful and sunny, full of friends and family, good food and relaxing. Just what I needed after quite a busy month.

We did the annual wool-road trip this week even there really wasn't time for it, and I brought home some wool. This week has been so busy I haven't even taken all of it out the huge plastic bags it's stuffed. The wool was really needed as my stash started to look rather empty - now all the shelves will be bursting all the pretty colors possible. And just in time, I can happily say, as I have had many custom orders this month and still have quite a few to finish. And summer-sale has emptied the shelves in my shop nicely too; there's now plenty of room for new designs too!

This week has been full of lovely surprises too. This first I was actually expecting to arrive, as I knew that I was the happy winner in lovely Jane's giveaway! It was my first win ever (really), and wow! I love the pink (my favorite color, how is this even possible) pin, and have been wearing it non-stop past two days since it arrived. I am sure I'm the very only person around this county (country?) to have one, and it makes me feel very special - to have such a wonderful friend like fantastic Jane. Thank you dear! And as the pin wouldn't been more than enough, Jane also sent me one of her famous and award-winning cards, it's most beautiful red-white-blue-design. You can see more of her masterpieces here.
I also received an award from lovely Fleur - thank you so much! I was really flattered to get this one as it was given by Fleur to 10 blogs that give her sunshine, what's more lovely to hear than this? There were a few questions attached to this award and here are my answers:
- Favorite animal: Cat, definitely. I am a cat-person, and even I do not have one of my own at the moment, I keep dreaming. And there are may wonderful blog-cats I adore too (kisses to Billy and all Vivienne's pretty purr'ers)
- Favorite number: Um...numbers are not that important to me, but if I need to mention one, it would be 33. Just for the teenage-crush memory
- Favorite non alcoholic drink: I love coffee. Just some hot coffee and cold milk at home or a good latte at coffee shop and I am a happy girl
- Facebook or twitter: I am really bad at both, twitter I do not use and FB I neglect. I am going to make a new FB-page to my business when I find a minute but in the meanwhile I suck at both, unfortunately
- My passion: Handmade things. Knitted, felted, sewn - you name it, I will make it. I am more than fortunate to spend my days making things and slowly but surely my little business grows day by day
- Getting or giving: Giving, definitely. I LOVE making cards, wrapping presents, making little things to make people happy
- Favorite pattern: Oh man, I'm bad with patterns! I usually modify them if I even use one, but mostly I just create one of my own (and nowadays even write them down so I can repeat the design!)
- Favorite day of the week: Friday. Week's workload done, and the weekend is still ahead
- Favorite flower: Lily of the Valley for its scent and Midsummer-roses in my garden just because it's summer when they're open
- Favorite country: Finland. Doesn't sound too exiting, but I've been elsewhere long enough to learn to love this cold and spare place. This said I am so moving into Spain any year now
That's all folks except the difficult part: choosing ten blogs to receive the award. I do not know how many of you have this already, but I am offering it to these eight fantastic ones nevertheless (not in any particular order):
- Jane's Journal
- Green Rabbit Designs
- Helen Philipps
- mynestofyarnandbuttons
- The Linen Cat blog
- verykerryberry
- knitsofacto
And I am completely happy even you guys can't find time to participate, just pick the sunny-award pic and place it into your blog, you have definitely brought me sunshine! And that list has links into those sunny places, please take a look if you haven't already!
Wonderful Midsummer-weekend!
Thank you Mia for the lovely award! I am so happy I have bought you sunshine because you always bring rays of sunshine for me! Just got back from another visit to my mom and this was a lovely surprise : )
Thank you lovely Mia for awarding me some sunshine, it's definitely been missing from around here that's for sure!!
Seriously though thank you so much for thinking about me I appreciate it and I'm in very good company too with all those other lovely blogs :) Love all your fav things as well!
Lovely to have you back with us again but great that you have been so busy!! Just look at all that yummy yarn too. :)
Thanks again Mia and enjoy the rest of the weekend,
Vivienne x
Congratulations on your Sunshine Award. And thank you so much Mia for sending some sun my way, we certainly need it here, it's raining again. And what excellent company you have placed me in. Thanks again for the award Mia :D
Good morning my dear Mia, what a lovely sunny post to wake up to and a sunny award too. Thank you so much I feel I am amongst the Oscar winning blogs there. You do bring so much sunshine to blog land..without your blog I would never have started up nearly 2 years ago. I am delighted you love your badge and card you won in my recent giveaway, they were sent with love and sunshine. Happy that's a coincidence isn't it!
Jane x
Hello lovely Mia, thanks so much for passing along the sunshine award, I'm so glad you enjoy reading my blog, I ALWAYS enjoy reading yours. I love this on-line world of friends, it brings me a lot of happiness and I've really enjoyed getting to know you through your blog over the years. It's been rain, rain, rain here as well, lucky for me I quite like it but I hope for everyone else that we get some sun soon. Bethx
Hi Mia. congrats on your win, what a sweet pin, I haven't seen that here but it is perfect for you! Congrats on your and thank you forwarding one to me too! Your blog always brings beautiful colours, crafts and optimism!
Thank you so much dear Mia! I'm really happy that you find sunshine from my blog! I hope I could send a big bag sunshine to you because I have too much here!
But you are luckier with the wool - those big bags look like a dream to me! Have fun as I can see you do - beautiful pouches again!
And how lucky we were by winning Jane's unique cards and creations!
Thank you again and what a lovely post!
xxx Your Finnish friend here, too far, Teje
Ps. Great answers!
Dear Mia Congratulations on winning the sunshine award and thank you so much for sending some sunshine my way too...both with your sweet blog and by giving me the sunshine award as well :) I feel very lucky to be included in your special list so a big ThAnK YoU!
Your new yarn looks delightful, so colourful and soft and ready to be made into treasures.
Have a wonderful week!
Helen x
So glad you enjoyed receiving this award and it's so nice that you had the time to answer .. it's great finding out about our favourite bloggers isn't it?
Hope you have a great time with all your new wool, look forward to seeing your new designs.
Fleur xx
Dear Robin,
You're so welcome! I hope your summer has been sunny and beautiful (here not so much), and happy last days of June!
Hello Vivienne,
Unfortunately it seems that this summer is nor brilliant for you or us here so far, but I am still hoping that July will be the best ever ;)
Wishing you a lovely week and SUNSHINE!
Hi Annie,
As I said to Vivienne earlier, it seems that UK has "the usual" rainy-summer (not to mention here!), and any sunshine we can gather, helps!
Have a lovely last days of June, and let's hope that July will be hot and sunny for both of us!
Hello Jane dear,
I can't believe it was only 2years ago you started blogging, it seems like Jane's Journal has "always" been there! I wish you wonderful pre-wedding days, and I am soon off to city with my pin proudly showing :) Thank you!
Happy Tuesday!
Hello Beth,
I am so happy about this blogging-community too, it's like I would have met many new friends which are rare to find in "this age" ;) - thank you for your lovely blog&wonderful things you've made for me and my family!
Sunshine from here (it's shining today!!!)!
Thank you, Kerry, for your lovely comment! I enjoy your blog a lot too, even I can't do things you show there - but that's the beauty of the different blogs: you can enjoy what others create!
Lovely last days of June!
Hello Teje,
I am not jealous ;) but TOO MUCH sunshine?!? Oh man, how I wish I could come and visit you... Enjoy your sunny days, and keep sharing it with us, we love that sunshine of your blog dear friend!
Wonderful week to you too, Helen, and thank you for your beautiful comment! I hope your days are sunnier and warmer than ours here, although today it's sunny and not raining constantly :)
Lovely last days of June!
Hello Fleur,
And thank you still once for the lovely award, and I have tried to share the sunshine to all lovely blogs I read! And it's great to read the little things of us all, too.
Have a lovely day and greetings from Finland!
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