Cats and rain, that's the summer 2012 around here. Half great yet a bit unexpected and the other half... More than well-expected after two wonderful summers I suppose. And since we Finns are not the only ones who have had the most miserable summer, there's no point moaning about the weather any more. I'm hereby officially declaring this summer to be a summer of cats (what? there's a year of the dragon and all so why not this? It will be much more pleasant to remember than that another rainy summer). I really didn't see this coming; it all started slow, with just one...

... and then...

.. meoowww...

... and the latest (and it's only mid-July!):

What's up with your summer?
Good morning dear Mia, the year of the cat is just fine by me and Billy! What a wonderful set of bags you have must be working so hard. Billy says he loves the pink noses;0) There is great news for us here..the jet stream is on the move and by the weekend our missing summer is due to return ;0) I will send some sunshine off to Finland. Happy Wednesday..I'm off to work.
Jane x
Voi Mia!! Miten ihania oot taas tehnyt! Mulla on vielä kolmisen viikkoa armonaikaa ja sitten koittaa paluu työelämään. Saa nähdä miten se sujuu vai alkaako omat hommat pakottaa päätä. ;)
Hello dear Jane,
I thought you(and Billy, the b-day boy!!) would like this post! I have been busily knitting and felting, and rain doesn't matter that much while you work but some sun wouldn't hurt - thank you so much for sending some my way!
Happy "last days before the big day"!
Heipsan Nova!
Iso kiitos kommentistasi! Täällä ollaan hengessä mukana "viimeisissä" päivissä ;) - itsekin muistan monta töihinpaluuta kun olisi mieluummin halunnut jatkaa käsillä tekemistä. Ajan kanssa se selkiää, mihin suuntaan elämä vie, mutta koeta jaksaa tehdä ihania juttujasi työnkin ohessa, ne tuovat iloa meidän muiden päiviin!
Mukavaa heinäkuun jatkoa!
Terkuin Mia
Haha it's cats all year round here, not just the summer! :)
They sure beat the rain though. ;)
Love all your bags, you have been very busy making all thoses cute kitties!!
We have sunshine today and if 'they' are to be believed lots more to come!!!! Hope that means Finland too!
Happy Wednesday Mia,
Vivienne x
I know Vivienne, and I envy you a bit: all those kittens around all the time! And these mine: I cannot even keep these myself!
It's not raining this VERY MINUTE ;) but "they" have told us there is a lot more rain coming. I wish they're so wrong and your sunshine gets here asap!
Happy Wednesday!
What a wonderful collection of cats. I think you have a perfect idea, Mia. Let's add the"Year of the Cat" to the Chinese zodiac!!
Sending some sunny days to Finland.....
Thank you so much, Anne!
And thank you for the sunshine too, it seems to be working: it shines now, after a rainyrainyrainy day...
Happy Wednesday, dear friend!
I love all your new kitties, Mia! They are so sweet and the designs are so lively! I also love how you add a birdie here and there, or a bee or flower :) Sending you lots of sunshiney wishes for a lovely weekend!
Helen x
Hello Helen,
And thank you both lovely comment and sunshine-wishes! And it seems to be working ;) this morning we woke into sun instead of the usual rain!
Happy weekend!
I love love your cat bags! Cat summer sounds so sweet! The last bag with lots of life is my best favourite of your bags! My cat Nelli is now day and night outside. She comes in only to eat and pee! And that means she wakes me up at 5.30 to come to eat and then again 6 to go out again! Even she mostly sleeps in the garden, she is the best hunter!
Happy Cat Summer to you my friend! x Teje
I do like those cats! Seems we're all having a poor summer so far |Mia. Hopefully it will all change this week?
P x
Aww, i just love your cats! :D
Hello dear Teje,
And thank you! Cats are my favorites (oops :), I know how you love dogs too but I just am a cat-girl!, and I love making them too. And some I have made this summer!
Happy summer to you too!
P.S. Tänään ukkosti,salamoi ja satoi mega-isoja rakeita. Jotta Suomen kesä, lyhyt ja vähäluminen...?!
Thank you Pam!
It was said to be rainy/stormy/bad here until Wed/Thu and then sunny and pretty...Heard that before? But I hope it'll happen both here and at yours!
Happy Monday!
Thank you so much ArualMaria!
Cats are my absolutely favorites, and I just love making them. I'm happy you enjoyed them too!
Lovely day!
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