It's Sarah from The Faerie Factory! Congratulations, I'll be in touch soon! Thank you everyone for your participation still once. And those you missed this one (it's the holidays), I've got an another planned soon...
P.S. Even it strongly seems, that I only wear pink, I occasionally choose other colors too. Not often but occasionally.
Haha I did notice those pink nails!!
Congrats to the winner but if she doesn't turn up, we can always do it again! ;)
Happy Wednesday,
V xxx
Congrats to "Faerie Factory"!! Enjoy your goodies.
Thanks again, dear Mia for a great giveaway.
Anne and all
Good try Mia, even your nail polish is 'berry pink'! I love pink, too, and also most of the other colours ... x Teje
Thank you so much Mia ... the faeries and I are doing a little happy dance in celebration... I have emailed you my details and look forward to receiving my little gift ... Sarah x
Hello Vivienne,
Sarah already got back to me, so we need to wait :) until the next giveaway... I promise it'll be soon!
Happy Wednesday!
Hello Anne,
Thank you, Anne, for your friendship!
A bog hug from here, we just got from movies (me&L), it was lovely!
Hello Teje,
Oh my, I tried! Pink nail polish is really a summer thing for me (both fingers&toes), but clothes... All year round!
Wishing you a lovely day!
Hello dear Sarah,
Thank you so much for getting back to me this quick! Your parcel starts here tomorrow morning...and I wish it the quickest journey!
Lovely Wednesday!
Well done Sarah, what a lucky lady. Happy Wednesday my dear pink friend....now tell me Mia are those toes pink too ;0) xx
Hello sweet Jane,
I am so happy I can send the parcel to Sarah tomorrow, and fingers (pink) and toes ALSO pink nails!) crossed she'll like it all :)
Happy August soon!
Congrats to Sarah:)
Mia, I knew you like pink but you really really like pink then. I like pink too. I like pink family, that I made up which has wider range of pink~red~wine colors. I usually pick those colors for my stuff.
So, think back, I have been ordering brown, green and blue from you. I have been been trying other colors because your bags/pouches are so cute in all the colors!
Happy last day of July ,,,,,,oh, it is probably already August on your side. Happy August!
Hello Megumi,
I really really like pink, but to be honest, I almost only wear (in clothing) it during summer, in winter I usually opt for white-gray-navy blue, and use pink in accessories and nail polish. And I keep making my things with as many colors as possible (not all in pink as I would love to ;)), and love all the bright colors in my bags&pouches. But pink there too every now and then!
Have a lovely day!
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