...then my mom arrived with a pretty bouquet, and just after her my dear sister with still some more...

... and all these were followed by my best friend:

Wishing you a springly&happy Monday!
Usually around this time, when children go back to school, and you can just about to smell the autumn, I start to dig deeper in my fabric...
Could there be anything better than friendly faces arriving with flowers! 🌷🌷🌷
Happy new week my friend, enjoy your flowers! :)
V xxx
Beautiful tuplips, wishing you a springly&happy monday back
What a treat....I'm enjoying your flowers, too.
Very thoughtful ladies!!
Happy Monday from snowy America,
You can never have too many flowers Mia, especially spring ones. Enjoy and have a happy week ahead my dear xx
Gorgeous flowers.....you can never have too many tulips! Happy week, Mia!
Helen xox
Hi Mia, that is fun flower power! Tulips are my favourites! Once when I was still in Finland, hb sent flowers to me and asked later what flowers they brought to me. He was a little bit dissapointed when I told they were tulips but for me they were the best! Here I don't see them often and I enjoy your photos! Happy week dear friend! x Teje
Wow, what lovely flowers. So nice to see them in the midst of our cold snowy winter.
Happy February, Mia :)!
Hello Vivienne,
I know, I love them...Welcome spring!
Happy week, dear friend!
Hello Faith,
Thank you! Wishing you a sunny and happy week too!
Hello Anne,
Happy to share the colors&brightness of these beauties! It's amazing what a difference some flowers can do... Welcome spring!
Hello Jane,
I know, there's no such thing as too many :) Have a lovely, DRY and sunny week!
Hello Helen,
I agree: more is better in this case, these just brighten up any gray day!
Wishing you a sunny and beautiful new week!
Hello Teje,
I am a big fan of tulips too, and I am both amazed&sorry that you can't find them at yours! But oh my how wonderful other flowers you have - and it's not long before you get to enjoy these in Finland too ;)
Happy week!
Hello Jama,
Thank you! These just make my day every time I see them - and no matter how gray/snowy/wintery outside, it always shines inside!
Have a wonderful week!
Hi Mia!
Thanks a lot for your beautiful post!
Indeed, welcome spring for you!
I loved the tulips, I am happy that people still show cortesy and bring flowers.
A great week!
Hello Lucia,
I'm happy my post brought smile on your face!
I wish you a happy and sunny week, it's shining here today too!
How pretty they are!! I love tulips. I can't wait till they bloom in my garden!
Hello Megumi,
I love tulips too, but we need to wait A LONG time until well see them outside...Maybe in May? Until then I keep getting a new bouquet as the old gets ugly - they just brighten any day and room!
Sunny day!
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