Last two weeks(and weekends) have been full. Sort of too much of everything: work, windy-cold weather, deadlines to meet, dirty windows. It feels that I spent at least a day and half on the phone too sorting both business&personal things. Working from home has many benefits, but it sometimes feels than when you open your eyes in the morning, it all is there, immediately, waiting. Same goes for the evenings; it's too easy to continue a little more, and before you know, it's time to go to bed. And same again next morning. This said I love working with my own schedule, and doing a bit of this and then some of that, having tea and then getting back to those...
But home was the topic here, and Moomins are at their new home too!

Like designing a happy fox purse and making a hedgehogs-wall hanging or playing with some cute moomins and matching the wools with earthy-tones. Every day is different.

But home was the topic here, and Moomins are at their new home too!

They arrived there on Friday, and were gladly welcomed by MoominTroll and a happy lady called Lottie, seems that they've been waiting for the parcel together for some time already?

Hooray, I'm happy to send Moomin-love all over the world! And a big thank you Snowbird for the pictures!
Have a lovely new April week, sunshine and happiness to all!
I was wondering where you had got to Mia! Life can get like that at times but as long as you happy and well, that's all that matters and forget the dirty windows!
Lovely makes as always! :)
V xxx
Hi sweet Mia, Love that hedgehog wall hanging, so detailed. It's so fun and fabulous! Love your little bags too. So happy to pop in to visit. Loving my pin too, I talked about it on my blog : )
Loving the cute animals Mia and of course the Moomin makes. Still smiling over the Gifts. We did indeed have a small amount of sunshine this afternoon so thank you for sending that over :)
((Sorry I just goofed up my last comment))
Any way-----Hi Mia, Very fun to see where your package landed.
Hang in there, friend.
Hoping you will have a good, creative week.
From "almost Spring" forest,
Hi mia, I really like the Fox.. is it a bag you said? It is adorable. I always like Mr. Fox. And how cute your Moomin pouches!! Love them already.
My Dad worked at home, so I kind of know it's difficult sometimes. But I envy you that you can work at home, especially when you can work outside in the good weather!
Have a wonderful week Mia!
Glad to see you Mia but I can see how working at home has it's pros and cons. I just love the first foxy piece, stunning work. Your winner was most worthy and it seems those Moomin pals were just waiting for your parcel. Sending some spring time love and sunshine to you dear friend xx
Hei Mia! Ihana nahda aina sinun Muumeja! Voin aika hyvin kuvitella mika kiire ja stressi sulla on. Luulin lepaavani suomi-lomalla mutta vaikeaahan se on. Kotona odottaa yha vaan yltyva kiire ja stressi. Toivottavasti aikataulusi helpottuu. Terveiset Kouvolasta - aurinkoisesta! x Teje
Hi Mia thanks so much for your update, beautiful pouch, I love owls and I liked it with the hedgehogs.
I hope you can find the balance between productivity and a well lived life in your house. Please, don't be stressed because you have already have health issues last year, ok?
Thanks again!
I love your makes, Mia! I work from home and it is easy to just carry on working all the's certainly not like a 9-5 job! I hope you find a nice balance soon. And I hope you enjoy some suhnshine too. I am just going out for a little walk round the of the perks of working from home :)
Happy week!
Helen xox
Hi Mia, I think we must be living parallel lives as mine too has been non-stop with hours also spent on the phone trying to sort things out! Lovely makes though and it has to be appreciated, the nice things about working from home....I just think for me, there needs to be more structure in learning to stop and also to turn the laptop off at a point. Bethxx
Hello Vivienne,
I am all here, just doing so much stuff at the same time (typical!), and counting the days until Easter holidays...Not m,any left!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hello dear Robin,
Thank you! I have visited your blog since, thank you so much for the lovely post&link!
Happy&sunny weekend!
Thank you so much still one, Snowbird, for those lovely images I am so happy you liked your Moomins!
Have a lovely weekend!
Hello dear Anne,
I know, it was lovely that Snowbird had time to get back to me WITH pictures! And it seems the Moomins are loved everywhere!
Have a lovely weekend, only a few days until the holidays!
Hello sweet Megumi,
Yes, that is a start for a custom-fox bag, I think it turned out quite cute! I wish I will find time to make something similar for my shop later too(autumn?)!
Have a great weekend!
Hello Jane,
I know, it is hard sometimes, but mostly it is just setting the rules&sticking with them-issue, there must be a clear difference between work&other time...I just forget sometimes :)
Have a lovely weekend, and happy creating!
Heippa Teje,
Ihanaa kun ehdit terkkuja lomalta laittaa, toivottavasti on ollut parhautta? Täällä on ollut kylmä ja tuulinen (eikä aurinkoa) sää, toivottavasti kevät on hellinyt teitä siellä?
Ihanaa viikonloppua sinulle!
Terkuin Mia
Hello Lucia,
I am all great, it is just the tiredness that gets me sometimes. All good - just waiting for the Easter-break!
Wishing you the loveliest weekend!
Hello dear Helen,
Thank you for the little reminder - it is just wonderful (and so important!) to have a break and get out of the house every now and then! Garden-walk sounds wonderful, and maybe with a good cup of tea...?
Have a lovely weekend!
Hello Beth,
How fun - sometimes it seems that same things are happening here and there (and I must say hanging on the phone waiting to be served is not a favorite, even the waiting-music is know!)! My problem is that when I got email, I try to get back to it straight away, and my customers living all over the world the mail keeps coming 24/7... Talk about the office hours!
Wishing you happy and relaxing weekend...It's Easter soon too!
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