It's been very pretty and summery here lately, and flowers are blooming everywhere. I can't believe it is just over a week until Midsummer, I mean already? Summer time is legendary less favorite time for wool-playing and felting, but the nature certainly inspires me a great deal, all flowers, little bugs and bees... They work every time!

I made the happy birdies&bugs pouch above a while ago. It was a custom order, and was made with clients wishes. I really liked how it turned out, and oh how happy I was to receive an another custom order based that design. And it turned out happy and summery too:

This wall hanging has a little green dragonfly too, a happy and smiling one, naturally!

And once I find a design I know me?

What to do next...maybe a little butterfly keyring? Oh yes, sounds like a plan!
Happy Thursday everybody!
Hi Lovely Mia! Your summer inspirations are magical!! Love them all and yes a keychain would be next!!
Enjoy my sweet Mia, xoRobin
Hi Mia!
Thanks for sharing your newest creations, they are very beaufitul and fluffy and they cheer me up.
Today starts Soccer World Cup and here in Brazil we are all excited about it.
Great week!!
Awe, all so summery Mia, I love the little dragonfly and his little smily face. :)
The garden and nature are definitely the best inspiration!
Happy Thursday my friend,
V x
Hello Robin,
Thank you! Sun shines today too, and little bug-keyrings are on their way to my shop soon :)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hello Lucia,
Thank you! And oh yes, you're having the greatest party for a month now! We watched the opening ceremony&the first game yesterday, congrats to your team for winning! I think you might go all the way to gold...?!
Happy Friday!
Hello Vivienne,
Thank you! The nature is on it's best here now, and the midsummer roses are opening too - the scent is divine!
Wishing you a sunny weekend!
I think they are very cute too. The color is nice. I always like your ladybugs:)
Hello Megumi,
Thank you! I think ladybugs are my favorites of all bugs :) - they're the cutest at least!
Have a lovely weekend!
Hi Mia, Very summery indeed. Love the lady bug and dragonfly. Really like this new butterfly fabric. Looks so cheerful.
Happy weekend to all....
Hello Anne,
Thank you! I like that fabric also!
I wish it is sunny at beautiful at yours, sun shines here now but it's so very chilly outside... I hope a great weather for next week and the Midsummer weekend!
Happy Saturday!
Hello Mia, so very pretty and summery! Midsummer, I had no idea it was so close. We've been enjoying some lovely days here in the UK and the garden is in full bloom. I hope your summer spirit continues. Bethx
Hello Beth,
I was amazed too last week when I realized that we should start planning the Midsummer-menu (it is a big family weekend here), where exactly did June go?
Wishing you lovely and sunny days!
Moi Mia
Some gorgeous makes there and love the busy bees in the trees :)
We have had clouds here for last few days but today Sunshine yay ... did you get any snow yesterday ? Apparently they did up in Oulu and almost Juhannus too
Hyvää juhannusta :)
Hello Cheryl,
We haven't had snow (yet :) at least) but it has been miserably cold and rainy here... But Juhannus was great otherwise and now sun shines - I wish it is beautiful at yours too?
Happy last days of June!
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