Greetings from a happy sweatshop! I know the word doesn't particularly shout happy, but in my case it has been just that. The weather has been wonderful, hot and sunny, and I have set a studio on our new patio. With +26 and such degrees I have been sweating, smiling and working. And loving every single minute of it.

My latest creations come in these happy bags! I know, you have seen something little similar before, but these new guys haven't got that much to do with Easter, they are more summery-themed this time.

There is a happy bunny with the world's biggest carrot under his paw! He comes with a bunny&carrot themed pouch and is ever so ready to make anyone smile!

And then the little birdie with a flower...

...and not a batch without a kitty!

Or what could be more summery than a happy little ladybug?

And for last but not least there's a happy fox with his little birdie friend!

All have little metal pins on back for easy use

and they all can be seen more closely here.

I am now off to create some new things to show for you soon (I almost live outdoors 24/7 these days, and I will soon be known as the crazy wool-lady around this new neighbourhood too), and I wish you happy sunny and beautiful July days! See you here soon again!
Awe they are all gorgeous Mia, especially the bunny, not that I'm biased or anything! ;)
I'm so happy that you have lots of sunshine and heat and that you are living outside, that is most definitely 'the life'!
Happy weekend my friend,
V x
Hello Vivienne,
I think all this started with the sunshine you sent, and it has been shining since (and we hope it will last too!) - so thank you, dear friend! And I though you might like the bunny ;) no surprises there!
Have a lovely weekend soon!
What dear little creatures Mia, all with their own house sweet. I am so glad you have some sunshine and that you can create outdoors...enjoy my dear friend xx
Hello Jane,
Thank you!
And I am so so happy too, after a BAD June we definitely deserve some happier weather! I wish this will last until October or so :)
Wishing you a lovely weekend soon!
Wonderful makes, Mia, they are all so colourful and I love the little animals, especially the bunny. Such a great theme to work on! Lovely to hear that you have hot and sunny weather and can work outdoors too :)
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Helen xox
Hello my sweet Mia! Wow such lovely pins and tiny pouches! I love my bunny, in fact, I still have it on my mantel! So nice to work outside, Don't you just love the warm weather!? I love it too and can't be inside. Have a lovely weekend creating!
Hi Mia! Good for you sweating out there! You make the most cute little creatures! I love each of them and especially the fox! Lovely idea to hold them in a little bag made with Special Fabrics! Happy weekend! x Teje
PS. I'm inside with the Air condition.
So cute! I love them all :)
Hello Helen,
Thank you! This summery weather has really inspired me, everyone and everything looks happy to me :)
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Hello Robin,
Thank you! And oh yes, I love these sunny and bright days SO! I wish it stays beautiful at yours and here!
Happy weekend!
Hello Teje,
Thanks! And I am so happy we finally have summery days here again! I know it can be too hot sometimes and all but it just feels that more is more :)
Wishing you a lovely weekend!
Hello Mel,
Thank you!
I am happy you like my little creatures, hopefully they made you smile :)
Happy weekend!
Moi Mia
Those bags are lovely and just perfect for the little creatures hidden inside. My favourites are the Ladybug and the Fox :)
Glad you are enjoying some kesä at last.
ystäväsi Cheryl x
A real delight, perfect gifts for a little girl.
So cute and summery creations. I hope it stays warm for you and me in July!! Thanks for sharing your latest pins and mini bags. I love them all.
Hello Cheryl,
Thank you! And yes, we have the most gorgeous summer here at the moment, sunny and hot - finally! I wish you a wonderful July too!
Thank you so much, mamasmecantile,
I am happy my little creatures were liked!
Wishing you a sunny and happy weekend!
Hello Anne,
Thank you!
I wish it stays pretty at yours and here too (and long, until October perhaps?)! Happy July days!
Hello Mia,
These are adorable, I especially like the ladybug bag. I'm so pleased you're enjoying the heat, I would feel terribly guilty complaining, yet again, about it here only to find you had rain once again. Long may it continue...for you....I'm hoping it cools off here so I can get some work done without melting.
Hello Beth,
I is so so so hot&humid here today, so I definitely feel for you! Too much is too much - we need some (quick) rain asap.
Wishing you a cooler week!
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