Happy Monday everyone! This is a somewhat special day, as it is my turn to take part in the happy blog hop that goes around blogland. I was invited by wonderful Helen Phillips, thank you so much! You can read her happy hop-post here, and I strongly suggest that you go and visit her in her blog, you'll love what you see, I promise.

Blog hop is all about introducing you to lovely blogs maybe new to you, but also letting you know a bit more of each blogger taking part in. There are four questions that each participating blogger will answer, and here go mine:
1.What am I working on?
I am a fiber-artist by heart, and even it has been really hot and humid here for the last weeks, I have been playing with my wool still. I have been creating a few custom-bird bags and pouches, and to balance those I also have been knitting and felting my beloved stripes - new bags for autumn. I am happy to make custom work every now and then, but my love and passion is creating something with my own imagination only, just playing with colors and seeing where I end up that time.

Birds are really something I love to use in my work, and sometimes it seems that more the better!

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
Oh, this is a difficult one. I am not absolutely sure what my genre is - knitting and felting is a huge field. But then again I have said to have my own style, my work is quite recognizable they say. That is fantastic, I really do not want (and try very hard not to) copy anyone's ideas. I use lot's of color, my animals (my work has a lot of animals!) are somewhat whimsical and naive (in a good way, I have always been a fan of naive art), and it might not be for everyone, but most people can't help smiling when they see my big-eyed creations - a mission accomplished.

3. Why do I write/create what I do?
An easy answer would be that I do this for living, and I create to get bread on the table, but it really is not that simple. I am sure I would create even no one would be buying. I used to create even I had very demanding day job, I just used to knit during nights. Now that I am older *ahem* I appreciate a good nigh sleep but my projects are far more structured, and I get more done in less time. But creating is something I love, and most likely will still do when I am gray and older. What, how and where is still unsure as my creative ways keep changing, or as I prefer: evolving.

4. How does my writing/creative process work?
With custom orders I work with the clients wishes. That can be very meticulous sometimes, especially with those real-bird items I have made for my Japanese customers. Those can be made with photographs for a specific bird even, and although I am very happy and proud of that part of my work, I love creating my own, unique pieces.

For me the creative process usually starts with color. I may see a glimpse of sunshine, or blue skies with many shades, a flower... It might be a photo in a magazine, a piece of fabric or simply two skeins of wool next to each other. I love colors, and I also put together not so traditional combinations, and every time it is as exciting to open a washing machine to see how a knitted piece has turned out after felting.
Once a piece has been felted and dry (it can take up to 24hours) I start decorating it with needle felting. That I usually do not plan too much ahead, I might know when I start that this piece will have flowers on it or a cat with birdies, but colors and all other details are decided while working. I write down some notes, but more things like knitting instructions and ideas than exact designs.

Once the design is ready, I finish my bags and pouches with pretty (and always matchingly colored) linings and buttons. I search thriftshops and fleamarkets for beautiful, colorful and unusual fabrics, and hand sew them to my felted creations. All are also marked with my HandmadebyMia-tag to make the pieces truly mine.

When my creations are sold from my webshop, I pack them and send them off to their happy new owners all over the world. I try to include a handmade note to all my parcels - handmade is what my creations are all about!

And then I had the pleasure of choosing a few (three it said but I found four) blogs to you to go and see! They will be posting their blog hop-posts in one week, on Monday August 11th, but oh my there is so much to see in their blogs right now, so hop hop to visit:
♥ Teje - she is one wonderful Finnish lady living in Greece (so you'll see a glimpse of that beautiful place in her blog too) who masters quilting, crocheting, jewelry making and has some gorgeous pets too. She has been ever-so-busy lately, so it is fantastic to get her along
♥ Anne - she is my dear first friend found via Etsy years ago, and among many things we both like and share we both are very proud aunts. Anne creates and sells Japanese and vintage-inspired pins and jewelry, and gets inspiration from beautiful nature around her too. She has had a lot on her plate lately, so I appreciated her hopping along with me
♥ Nova - a lovely Finnish lady whose creations you just must see! I say I use color but wow! does Nova take that on another level! In her blog you also see corners of her wonderful, colorful home and DIY's and crafts with her beautiful children - and the latest addition to all this is a monstrously cute bunny called Sulo
♥ Vivienne - a fantastic, famous rabbit-lady, whose blog shows her wonderful hand crocheted bunnies, beautiful Northern Ireland nature and her beloved garden with many cats - and she captures beauty around her in a way it really comes across through my laptop screen
This was all (quite a lot, I just noticed) I had to say for now, happy blog hopping! Sunshine to you all from Finland, and happy August!
**'Edit. Sometimes life happens, as we all know, and the blog hop-post might hop into air a bit earlier or later than first planned, but they are all coming with lovely things to see and read. So happy hopping everyone, and lovely August**
Good morning dear Mia, what a lovely post. Your wonderful felted creations are so unique they just sing handmade-by-Mia and as you know I own many. How wonderful that your art goes round the globe and that you put a smile in so many places. Happy week ahead xx
Wonderful post Mia!
Your work is truly unique and immediately recognisable, those little birdies just chirp "HandmadebyMia" !!!
I just love your current work those little budgies are amazing and I did a little squeal when I saw the bunny! :)
Thank you for giving us a behind-the-scenes look at your design process and thank you so much for passing the baton on to me, I'm honoured and I hope I can be as interesting as you!
Have a lovely week my friend,
V x
Good morning, Jane,
And thank you! I am happy you enjoyed my post, you know me how much I love to blabber ;) and this started to be a marathon-long...
Wishing you a wonderful week, many greetings from ever-so-hit Finland!
Hello Vivienne,
Thank you so much! I thought of you when I chose the "other than my usual birds" to show, that bunny was just so you :)
Your post will be fantastic, I can't wait to see more of the bunny-making process!
Have a great week, sunshine (just in case!) from here!
Hello Mia, So happy Helen picked your blog. Thanks for choosing these ladies and my blog, too.
Wonderful to see more of your custom made wall hangings and pouches. You really capture those birds in wool.
Here's to a fun and creative August....
Thanks again,
PlumCreek22 Studio
Hello dear Anne,
Thank you! I was so happy to be chosen too, and I can't wait to see your post on Monday, happy writing!
I wish it is beautiful at yours too, many greetings from ever so hot Finland again!
Dear Mia, your post is wonderful! I stopped by many times but, sorry, forgot to leave a message. I think you wrote beautiful and interesting post about your unique and beautiful work! You absolutely differ with your cute creations! Have a lovely weekend! x Teje
Hello Teje,
Thank you for your lovely comment! I am happy you liked my post, and I am already so so waiting for yours!
I wish you a peaceful (after all the hard work!) weekend, and many greetings from sunny&hot koto-Suomi!
A wonderful post, Mia! I really enjoyed reading about your work and what goes on behind the scenes at Handmade by Mia! Your felted creations are adorable and it was so interesting to learn more about them here.
Happy weekend!
Helen xox
Hello Helen,
Thank you! Lovely to hear that my post was liked! And welcome back, by the way, I wish your holidays were simply gorgeous!
Happy weekend!
Your work is absolutely delightful! I was grinning from ear to ear as I scrolled through your post. I found you thanks to Teje's post and am so glad I did!
Oh I enjoyed this Blog hop. I feel like I learned a lot about you.
Obviously I love your creation and I adore them all but I feel like I have got a new appreciation after reading.
lots of lovely new blogs here to discover - yay.
Hello Karen,
Happy to have you here and also wonderful to introduce you Teje and the other lovely ladies!
Happy hopping and sunny new week!
Hello Megumi,
Thank you for your lovely comment! It is funny how I think I know some bloggers inside and out and then I read their hop-posts and there are so many new things to be discovered! This is great, happy you enjoyed my post!
Lovely new week!
Hello Kimberly,
You are so welcome here! This is great, there are so many fantastic persons all over blog world! Happy reading - and a sunny August-week!
So happy to have discovered your blog! Great work! :)
Hello Mia,
Sorry, you're getting all my blog comments in one go again as I'm so behind.
Fab post, so read your blog hop answers, I agree that your work is totally unique and recognisable. I love seeing your makes, I think your sense of fun and bright colours appeals to me especially.
Happy August, Bethx
Hello Christine,
I am so happy you are here, welcome!
Have a lovely new week, and we'll see here soon again!
Hello Beth,
No worries, I am so happy you found time to visit me again, I know how hectic life gets at times. Thank you for a big compliment of my unique style, that really means a lot coming from a fellow (and very talented!) crafter!
Wishing you a lovely, new week!
Huh, kiitos vielä Mia haasteesta ja tästä sun postauksesta! Jaksan aina ihmetellä sun taitoa luoda upeita lintuluomuksia ja mahtavia hahmoja.
Täytyy sanoa, että olipahan urakka, mutta toisaalta hirveen hauskaa katsella omia vanhoja töitä ja samalla tajuta miten paljon sitä on tullut kaikenlaista tehtyä. Ihan harmitti kun ei voinut kaikista töistä laittaa kuvia, siinä ois kyllä mennyt ehkä useampi yö kuvia yhdistellessä. :D
Kiitos ihanasta kommentistasi myös. Oot <3 !!!! :)
Kiitoksia itesllesi, Nova!
Postauksesi oli tosi ihana, sillä väri-iloittelulla jonka aamusella katsastin jaksaa pitkään! Ja olet niin oikeassa, ihan karsea urakkahan näissä oli, mutta vitsit kun on kiva katsoa nöitä jälkeenpäin - omiakin töitä läytyi kuvagalleroista joita ei edes muistanut!
Ihanaa loppu-elokuuta teille sinne, ja kuuluillaan taas!
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