Happy New Year soon, dear friends! This year has 2014 passed pretty quickly, it feels that it was summer just last week or so, and now we are heading to in 2015 already, wow! This blogging year has not been the greatest, but I have enjoyed so much reading the posts from my fellow bloggers, and I try not to feel too guilty about my slow pace, life happens at the times as we all well know (and it just happened after I started this post, can you possibly tell that the paragraph above was written in 2014 already?). It has been sort of tradition to take a look back when a New Year starts, and here, here and here are some previous posts about that. And here is a brief glance for 2014:


Beginning of the 2014 was cold and snowy after a very mild autumn, and as the images suggest, sun wasn't too regular visitor around here. Some little people visited more often, and auntie just loved that. We all had a sort of difficult autumn, and to start a happy and more healthy year was just joyful. Work-wise I tried to take it slow still, and not to make that big changes, and started the year with some happy mittens and other felted creations. And some Moomins - they ended being quite a hit on 2014 too!

April and May were pretty and sunny here, but June... Huh. It was cold, rainy, COLD, dark (did I say COLD already?) and miserably - in Midsummer Eve we ate outside (with Finnish sisu), and then run inside to put some logs into fireplace. Huh. But other than weather it was great, we got the new deck and house got first lick of paint too.

We had most wonderful, hot, sunny and beautiful July-August, and it made up for the miserably June mentioned earlier. We spent a lot of time outside (hello new deck!), many BBQ's and a few Birthdays were also celebrated out in sunshine, and a certain little boy got a lightsaber for his 6th... And I was ever so lucky to be a winner in Jane's wonderful giveaway, thank you still once dear! Then came September, and you can see on the last images how the weather turned - in a day! We had lovely adventures with my sweet little niece still in September. An another great story to tell&remember later is how we had our first snowstorm around 23rd and we were stuck in a market when the power went off...

In October we (me&Sis) finally got ourselves to cinema to see Moomins on the Riviera! It was such a sweet and lovely movie, so if you have a change to go and see it, please do, it makes you smile for a long time afterwards, I promise. We also had a little guy for a sleepover(s), I spent some special time with my niece too still, and we had some wonderful adventures in woods with mushroom-finds. On the darker side of the life was present too as I lost my uncle suddenly, but thankfully his funeral day was sunny, dry and beautiful. HandmadebyMia-wise I think the happy felted wreaths and pretty bunny-sisters were the most important creations - and I wish to continue making both in the future. Christmas-time was magical, happy and relaxing, and the New Year was welcomed with some fireworks and very cold weather. Now it is January 5th already, and I have had almost two weeks more or less off from everything, time well spent and much needed.
Now it is time to slooooowly start thinking of 2015 and all new things it will bring. I have some new plans for the first three months of this year, and all that should keep me quite busy, but I wish to keep popping in here every now and then too. I think instagram will show my whereabouts much more regularly, please feel most welcome to come and say hi there too! And oh how I am waiting for the spring already, light and sunshine and flowers and green outside... With the picture above (from Midsummer 2014) I am turning on the Pre-Spring (see the official GRD-calendar here) mode just this very minute!
Happy, healthy, sunny and bright New Year 2015 to you all, thank you all for 2014!
Now it is time to slooooowly start thinking of 2015 and all new things it will bring. I have some new plans for the first three months of this year, and all that should keep me quite busy, but I wish to keep popping in here every now and then too. I think instagram will show my whereabouts much more regularly, please feel most welcome to come and say hi there too! And oh how I am waiting for the spring already, light and sunshine and flowers and green outside... With the picture above (from Midsummer 2014) I am turning on the Pre-Spring (see the official GRD-calendar here) mode just this very minute!
Happy, healthy, sunny and bright New Year 2015 to you all, thank you all for 2014!
What a lovely look through your year Mia, and my how those kiddies are growing!!
I'm really sorry to hear about the loss of your uncle.
I'm looking forward to seeing all your new creations in 2015 and I'm so glad you have adopted the GRD calendar, it's the only way to go! ;)
IG really is a great way of connecting with people, isn't it, I must admit I do prefer it to blogging at the moment.
Anyhow wishing you great times ahead at Handmade By Mia. :)
V xxx
Thanks for a lovely re visit through 2014 with you Mia, I am glad that the highs outweighed the lows....life is constantly changing isn't it. Here's to a great 2015 and to another year of blogging...I have no idea re Instagram although my son uses it so I still love to "see"you here in blogland xx
Hello dear Vivienne,
Thank you - and oh yes, both those auntie's sweeties are growing so so quickly! I have been so so slow with my blogging lately, but I wish it will get better with spring&sunshine!
Happy 2015 - and see you at IG!
Hello dear Jane,
Thank you visiting me here - it is always lovely to "meet" here or at yours, thank you for the busy blogging year 2014, I try to be better at 2015 :) And Instagram - it is just so quick way to show your creations/ideas/inspiration/daily thingies - it would be wonderful to see you there too, but in blogland we will always meet!
Happy 2015!
Happy new year - you have lovely memories of 2014.
Happy New Year to you too, dear Gillian,
May it be sunny and bright!
Hyvää uutta vuotta Mia
Wishing you all the best for the year ahead
Looking forward to seeing your creativity and inspirations
ystäväsi Cheryl
Hello dear Cheryl,
Thank you for the happy comment, and i wish you a lovely 2015 also - sunny, bright and fun!
Happy weekend soon too!
It's nice to look back on your year, Mia, I especially do love your little bunnies, so glad you'll continue making those.
I hope 2015 is off to a good start, we are forecast snow here today and I'm going to pick up a pair of kittens from the local charity home so it's all go around here.
Hello dear Beth,
The 2015 has started great except blogging-wise...I have been so so lazy on that area. I wish your year have been good so far - well two kittens at home it cannot be anything but fantastic!
Happy February soon!
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