Hello all lovely people! It has been such sunny and bright past a few weeks it feels spring is at least a month ahead the usual! It feels like Easter would be just around the corner (even it is not quite yet) - we have the singing birds, plus degrees during the days, melting snow... A bliss.

Some spring-inspired crafts have seen the light of day, like the happy birdie-wreaths above. Somehow this is just the time of the year that I am struggling to find the right material, wool starts to feel a bit winter-y, but summer bags and pouches need to wait still a little. I am alright with this as I have seen it before, and usually I get over it by playing my stash a while (and end up using the wool after all). I have made a little spring clean both in house and in studio, and wow do I have stuff. Huh.

Speaking of spring clean we had fun *ahem* for whole family and for whole weekend with my new shelves. I am a big fan of Scandinavian-wood-meets-white sort of home decor, and I have collected pieces for a vintage Lundia over two years (a BIG thank you for my hb, he has driven me all over this county to pick up this and that and still some), and this weekend we finally had enough pieces to put them all together. Most of my books have been in boxes still (and we moved in...a while ago) and now I got them all out. Huh what a job, took almost two days to get it all right (and I am not absolutely sure if it still needs something but please do not tell my hb, I think I cannot ask him anything for at least a week a month a year), and it feels great to have something completed.

That is all I am going to blog about our home decor this time except saying that it feels light, happy and home. I am next off to my stash-sorting, and that feels more like heavy-duty, but someone needs to tackle it. OR I could snuggle in sofa, watch Oscars I recorded last nigh and spend next four hours with Barney Neil Patrick Harris. Decisions, decisions...
Ihanan keväisiä!
Noissa hyllyissä onkin aivan mahtavasti tilaa. Mukavaa viikkoa!
Heipsan mustis :)
Kiitoksia, täällä itärajalla paistaa ihanasti aurinko, ja räystäistä loiskuu vesi! Joo, Lundioissa on hirmuisesti tilaa, kirjoja kun on jokunen kertynyt...kaiken muun kaman ohlla, huokaus.
Ihanaa helmikuun viimeistä (oho!) viikkoa sinulle!
Oh, your home is looking lovely Mia!!
Love your little spring wreaths too, so glad it is feeling like spring at yours already!
I wonder what you chose...Oscars or stash?? ;)
Happy new week my friend.
V x
Hello Vivienne,
Thank you - I think this spring-light makes everything look so pretty (except the windows, mine REALLY would need washing!)! And believe it or not, I am still working without a single minute of Oscars watched!! Surprise to myself too :)
Have a wonderful week!
It looks very bright and springlike at your house, Mia! Your birdie wreaths are so pretty, and your new shelves look wonderful.....so neatly organised too!
Enjoy your week, and have fun with the stash!
Helen xox
Hello Helen,
And thank you! I am so happy the spring-feel comes through my images, I was a bit worried as it was't that sunny yet in this morning when I took these. But all this light is simply wonderful...
Have a wonderful week, it is the last for February! Welcome March!
Enjoy your new shelves, Mia. So classic. We have some new bookcases here, too.
Happy almost March.....Happy creative week to you.
Anne xx
Hei Mia! Hienolta nayttaa, ihana etta sait kirjat hyllyyn! Minustakin oli nautinto katsoa omiani rivissa hyllyssa monen vuoden tauon jalkeen. Lundia on Super! Minulla oli aikoinaan heidan perusmallia, ilman valkoista tai laatikoita ja myohemmin maalasin sen valkoiseksi. Olispa ihan kiva nytkin kirjasto/varasto huoneessa. Aina ihana bongata mari skooli ym. suomalaista.
Nuo kranssit ovat ihanan sulosia! Pinkki varsinkin!
Tervetuloa visiitille mun ompeluhuoneeseen! x Teje
Those certainly look inspiring and extremely well-made. I love how they are sharp, precise and pleasing to the eyes. You seem to have truly picked the right materials for those happy-birdie wreaths. It's a real privilege that we can potentially have those things for ourselves, in the form of your Etsy shop. Thanks for sharing that! More power to you!
Wallace Wagner @ Zkazi Network
Hello Anne,
Thank you! I have been wanting to sort my book and all for the longest time, and now finally... I am so so happy to hear that you have new shelves too!
Happy last days of February, and greetings from here to you all!
Hei Teje,
Joo, meillä oli kanssa lapsuudessani Lundiaa ilman mitään extroja :) ja osa näistäkin taitaa olla niitä peruja. Halusin jo silloin (siis kasikytluvulla abaut!) noita ovia jne. ja nyt sitten sain, juhuu!
Sinun työhuoneesi on ihana, onnea! Siellä tulee syntymään niin kauniita juttuja!
Ihania helmikuun vikoja päiviä!
Hello Wallace,
Thank you! I am happy with my new-old (all reused&some vintage even) shelves, and the new, neat look! Lovely to hear you like my makes, please feel most welcome to come to visit me here soon again!
I'm so glad it is warming up for you dear Mia...spring really is just around the corner now and you birdies are singing that loudly, how pretty they are. Your shelves looks fantastic but I can feel the pain of their installation.....hmmmm....never an easy task.....well done to your patient darling Hb ;0) xx
Hello dear Jane,
Spring is really just around the corner, and all the lightness and brightness is just divine! Wishing you wonderful March soon!
Your shelves look lovely Mia, I bet it feels wonderful to finally unpack your books! I hope, as this was a month ago, that Spring is very much with you and you are enjoying some lovely warm (er) sunny days! Bethx
Hello Beth,
It was a great feeling to get the book on the shelves (I am far too attached to my books!), I think a home without bookshef is not a home (for me!). Spring was really ahead here, but last week has been a horrible, snowy one. Today sun shines again...Hope it stays!
Wishing you wonderful spring days, and happy Easter!
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