Hello dear friends!
After a bad relapse (snow, wind, cold weather) spring is really here! Sun shines and skies are blue, and little green is peaking here and there, more by the day. Lovely, and not a minute too soon! May 1st, which is a big spring celebration here (and actually opens summer-season but that might bee too much to ask this year) is just a few days away. We have cleaned and raked the yard and hb has pimped the BBQ (new wheels and overall scrub) and we are crossing our fingers to get some action to it on May Day. The weatherguys here have been pretty shy to say anything certain about May weather, but some snow is coming still (can you believe it?) but it seems that eastern parts of Finland will be safe this time, phew.

Spring gear is out (Thank you M for the cutest ever ladybug coinpurse!), and all things wintery have been stuffed away for good a several months at least. House still needs some decluttering (when not?) and windows scream washing, and my shop also could do some shelf emptying, so I made a SPRING-SALE -section there, and items there are -30% - -40% (prices reduced already, no need for coupon codes), and you are all so welcome to take a look.
I wish you all happy last days of April, and wonderful May soon too! Sunshine to your days!
Hooray dear Mia...Welcome to spring over at yours xx
Ah I'm so glad Springtime has decided to visit Finland and this time stay a while! Fingers crossed for BBQ weather next week. That's the trouble with sunshine (but one I'm willing to put up with) it shows up windows that need cleaning!!!
Enjoy your week my friend and may that sun keep shining!
V x
Happy Vappu.....Hope the weather is great for BBQ soon.
Kisses for L and S!!
Anne and all
Hi Mia, You and I have waited a long time for Spring! Here's hoping it's here to stay. Enjoy dear friend, xoRobin
Moi Mia
I'm so glad that the sun is shinning for you, it brings so much cheer and makes the days feel welcoming :)
After quite a few sunny days here we had .......snow yep snow yesterday ( just a small amount on high ground)
I am enjoying the lighter days / nights.
I also have now my own Craft room, my middle son moved out 2 months ago. so I claimed his room. Your pot holder and Moomin goodies have pride of place with a shelf to themselves in there. ( Much too special to actually use on the pans hehehe)
Hope the sun shines for you this weekend
Hyvää Vappu Ystäväni
Cheryl x
Hello Jane,
Happy May! I wish you sunny and happy days and many lovely moments in your garden studio this month!
Hello Vivienne,
Spring seems come and go here :) but now it seems that sunshine&warm weather are here again, yippee! Wishing you lovely May - sunny and bunny!
Hello Anne,
Thank you for the Vappy-wishes, we are celebrating it here as I type and in sunshine no less, yippee!
Happy May-days to you all!
Hello Robin,
It is sunny here now, so May seems to get a good start, and I wish it is pretty and warm at yours also... Wishing you lovely May-days!
Hello Cheryl,
Thank you for the lovely Vappu-wishes, we are having it here in bright sunshine - love it! It is wonderful to hear that you have your craft-room in full use now, enjoy, dear friend!
Happy and creative May!
So glad you have sunshine there, Mia! Happy May and Happy Spring!
Helen xox
Hello Helen,
Lovely May to you too - it is sunny and warm here still, yippee!
Many greetings from soon-to-be-summery Finland!
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