It was all the way back in February, when I got contacted by a lovely lady from Germany asking about my interest in creating something for a German craft magazine. I was stunned at first and would not believe it at all, but it really was Almut, you can see her happy face
here (and behind that link you will find all kind of happy craft ideas too. All in German, but google translator helps tremendously if you're just like me, my German skills are...I have none, really). She asked if I would like to create a little project for them, something with my felts, and maybe a write a pattern to go with it too.

Me, write a patter? Never done that except for my own notebooks, and man, are they messy and scribbled all over, and even I have sometimes difficulties reading my own handwriting. So me, a pattern? I panicked and told her that my schedule was far too busy for the spring (which was true at the time, too), but she then happily told me that material was needed only around July-August, and I agreed. Then some of you know and some might have guessed that rest of spring and summer were not the best of my life: illness, sadness, loss and funerals, and working was the left background for a while. But when Almut got in touch with me in end of July again, I just pulled it all together, and created a birdie-bag, wrote a pattern, took the pictures, and just in time delivered it all to her. The pouch will forever remind me of this summer, but it also shows that you have more power and strength than you think, and when you need to get it done, you will make it - so I love that pouch even it has a sad memories attached to it also.

So me and my birdies made it to cover of Filtz&Fertig magazine! Well I am inside (
oh dear how many s
elfies I took for that picture, I guess close to hundred), and inside there are "step-by-step" instructions how to make the pouch. All in German, naturally, Almut translated it from my English-scribbling and it looks great, with process pictures and everything! She sent me the magazine also, and me and my sister studied it for ages (She actually sent
two so we both had our own copy, and we went like: "Look at that!" "On what page?" "Oh yes!" for a long time...). Proud. Really proud. My first ever pattern published, wow. Thank you so much, Almut, tausend Dank!

This little story proves the point of world getting smaller by all the social media. Almut found me and my blog and shop via www, and I can go and see her happy face and lovely team and their creations
in their blog just like that - so what ever not-so-great things there are attached to all this web-world, it for sure also creates wonderful things and opportunities too. My
little business would still be a big dream without Internet, I would not have met some of the most lovely people of the world without it, and my life would be much less interesting and much more empty without it. So here's to lovely world of Internet (with a capital I!) - let's use it for all things good and great, let's spread the happiness with it!

To celebrate my first ever pattern publish I am offering a sale discount to
my shop for -25% of all items (even those in sale already, but excluding the shipping costs) for 16.11.2015 - 20.11.2015 and the code is
HAPPY2015 - that can be used once you are paying your purchase to get the discount calculated automatically.
Here you can find a little more info of the Etsy coupon code. Happy browsing!
Lovely Monday to all of you, and happy new week! We will see here again soon!