The other day doorbell rang. I opened the door and peered out. There was nobody there. I almost closed the door when I heard a harrumph...

- Down here, please!
- But hello - are you Mr. Fox?
- I prefer Mr.F myself.
- Alright. I was just going to have my evening coffee at the garden - would you like to join me?
- Delighted to - but could I have some tea, please?
- Is it always this hot here in August? And it's an evening already?
Mr. F took off his precious linen vest but finished his tea, though.
- Well no, last time it was 1904 or so, I think. Would you prefer indoors?
- I should think so, I'm British after all. But I love this red china, lovely fox-birdies!
He took a careful look around and sat on sofa.
- Is this my new home then? I kind of like it here, especially that bag -very me.
He wanted to try it on and yes, it was very becoming on him.
- Well...You'll be here with us for a few weeks and then you'll move into your new home. You'll be a little boy's new best friend and his birthday surprise.
- That's right, now I remember! Beth actually told me that when she booked me the ticket.

- Hello Miss B, remember me from Beth's?
They chatted and chatted, and I made Mr. F bed on sofa, and went upstairs to do some sewing. After a while I sneaked back just to see Mr. F happily tucked it. I was leaving the room when he said sleepily:
- Can I keep the bag, though? and smirked, very foxily.
They chatted and chatted, and I made Mr. F bed on sofa, and went upstairs to do some sewing. After a while I sneaked back just to see Mr. F happily tucked it. I was leaving the room when he said sleepily:
- Can I keep the bag, though? and smirked, very foxily.

Story: MiaThe most beautiful fox: Beth from The Linen Cat
The prettiest bunny bag: Beth from The Linen Cat
The pretty red china: Iittala´s Taika in red
The foxy bag: HandmadebyMia
Thank you so much, Beth, he's so much loved already - I can't wait to give him to my nephew!
Kisses from us all!
Thank you Mia, lovely photos and great story! I'm so very glad to see the first Fox in 'action' and I love his bow tie.
Lucky you having Taika cups, I have been rather in love with them for a while and on my next Moomin bowl order (for the boys) I plan to sneak a couple in the basket.
Mia - you made me smile over my morning cup of tea, what a story and such charming photos. I love your Mr Fox, he is super, and I am sure your nephew will too.
Have a great day, keep cool.
Love Jane x
Hi Beth,
I am happy you liked the story; Mr.F is a wonderful little guy!
I have red Taika coffee cups, mugs, some bowls and plates but I would have wanted the whole set (to collect during the years) but it was discontinued last Dec. What a shame! I keep hoping they´ll start it again... Blue it pretty too but...Not red ;)
Have a wonderful day!
Then my story worked, Jane, if it made you smile :) Mr.F is just the dearest little fox!
It´s a bit cooler here today BUT I feel I am having a summer-flu, GREAT :( And for tomorrow they've only "promised" +32C and for Sat. +35C...
I hope your day is great too!
Ah Mia, what a great story, it did make me smile!!
Mr Fox is super, Beth makes the most brilliant things, doesn't she?
I had my eye on one of those bunny purses but they never made to her shop, she assures me there will be some more in the autumn.
Your little foxy bag is gorgeous too!
Have a good day, I think we may have a day without rain today, hopefully, certainly not 32C!
Vivienne x
Hi Vivienne,
yes, Beth's things are the greatest, I am always so happy and excited when I open her package! And I managed to get one of those bunny-bags, lucky me, and I wish she´ll make more on autumn to you and the others to get also :)
Happy day!
I too loved the Foxy story, you have a great wit Mia, hope your flue is all better now,love that bag, hope foxy didn't keep it ;)
Thank you, Dot!
I am still quite poor but I´ll be resting this weekend so hopefully I´ll be alright by Monday. And Mr.F keeps insisting he wants the bag ;) we´ll see!
Have a wonderful weekend!
What a lovely dapper fella coming to visit, you lucky thing!
I love the way you wrote about him, it was very refreshing and humorous. I can't wait to read more of your blog,
c x
Thank you! Mr.F sends you a kiss and welcomes you here warmly, too!
See you around :)
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