
Fall and rise

I am one of those (I know there must be others out there) who do not enjoy doing things that I suck at. I have been told to take these attempts as learning experiences but nah. Especially anything to do with these new (well new to me) things like twitter or facebook make my hair stand straight - and I have tried my best to confirm my friends (read: myself) that I really did not need those. Well having seen how many friends and contacts one can make there in just a few days I finally gave up today.

I have been banging my head to my computer screen most of today (and done some sled sliding with my gorgeous nephew too) and finally managed to get this much done. It´s supposed to be a fan page to my handmades but I am stuck. What on earth am I supposed to make with it now? Can you visit me there? Even comment?

... help, please!

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