Dear Friends,
It´s been almost three years since I opened
my little etsy shop. When I planned it (
dreamed about it), I was not actually quite sure what to expect. I dreamed about making things people would like (and also buy) but that was it. What I most certainly
did not expect that mere three years later I should have 416 sales and that I would have met and got to know such wonderful persons all over the world.
Many of my customers leave some sort of comment when they visit my shop. Most of them let me know when they´ve received their item and how they liked it. Many, many leave a feedback at my shop also. Many have also just dropped by to say hello or left a comment on my work - and you can do that
without buying anything! I am loving every each of those messages, comments and feedback(s) - Thank you all!
During these years I also have made etsy-friends, and with some of you I talk weekly; we just chat about our crafts, families, weather (surprisingly interesting!) and life in general. I also have received birthday gifts and cards, Christmas presents, presents
just because like home-made jam, yarn that has been spin especially for me (with a picture of most handsome Alpaca gent who most kindly donated the wool!), beautiful and unique crafting supplies... Can you imagine such kindness?
All of you were on my mind today when I made the finishing touches to this little giveaway. I wanted to create things that
you would like or would love to give as a present to someone special. And yes, I wanted these to be something I
really liked, as they are
for you!
This is my way of saying
thank you all who have visited my shop during these three years and you, who have been reading my blog for over a year already. I wish you all sunny and bright summer and yes, many many happy moments together in a future.
There are three different sets in this giveaway this time: blue, red and green. All you need to do is just to leave a comment on this post. You can tell a story or just say hello - all I hope is, that there will be a way to contact you in case you´re one of the winners! I (or my dear nephew) will pick up the three winners on 31st of May 2010.
You can also let me know which of the three sets is your favorite, but I cannot guarantee you get
the one - the person picked first gets to choose first and so on. I still wish all three sets will be equally liked and if not in your favorite color, you´ll know someone who would love it.
I will also ship your winning package via Finnish airmail (7-10 days anywhere with any luck and no volcanic activities around) so anyone, anywhere can participate! I will not be leaving any notes or hello´s to your comments like I normally would do but please if any questions, fire away - I´ll get into them on my next post!
Now to the sets and Good Luck!
1. The blue set

The blue set includes a pretty blue shopping bag/tote made of reused cotton with two fun rabbits. The bag is also lined with reused flowered cotton and there are two pockets inside. There´s also set of pretty fabric covered buttons (3) and last but not least there is Reidar the happy rabbit! He insisted wearing a blue scarf even I told him it´s too hot - he said quite strongly that he is a part of the blue set so he needs to be wearing something blue (scarf can be removed in case of over heating). Reidar was needle felted from dark brown Finnish lambswool and he has a pin on his back.
2. The red set

The red set includes a pretty cellphone/ipod/digital camera cozy which was made of reused red cottons. It´s lined with cotton too, and there´s a layer of cotton fiber between top and lining also. The cozy closes with a white-red heart button which I covered myself and it also has a matching hearty strap. The red set also includes a bright red coaster which was made of reused red cotton, bit of an old lace, heart tag and cotton fiber to make it sturdier. The set also contains a little birdie keyring made of hand knit, machine felted red-white-blue Finnish lambswool. I needle felted the eyes and wings and sew a little trim and metal ring plus red beak to it. Tweet, tweet!
3. The green set

The green set includes a hand knit and felted (100% Finnish lambswool, mossy green&moss stitched) pouch. It was lined with pretty light blue-flowered reused cotton and the button was covered with same fabric. The cozy is quite spacious, a cell or digital camera would fit in greatly or it can be used as a coin purse to carry around money, lip stick and keys. The green set also has a hand knit and felted little birdie keyring (in shades of green, naturally) with a bit of greenish floral trim and a metal ring. The green set was completed with a pretty strawberry (reused cotton) string pouch.
Happy commenting!
**edit. Comments now closed 1.6.2010 - the winners will be announced later on a new post, thank you so much everyone!**