My blog has been wondering around gyms and holidays lately, I am sorry, but now I am back to basics. Which in my case are felts and birdies. I have been knitting, felting and making tweets also, and here are some of my latest ones.

I have had some troubles with my sewing machine lately, too. It's now on repairs, and I've been using my old one. Oh-oh, what a difference! You know when you use something old, and you know all it's tricks and you just know how to kick/bang/shake it to get it operate? Then you get new one and you wonder how you ever managed with that old one - and when you need to get back using that old (no matter how temporary) it almost hurts. Sigh.

Our home improvement-project is almost half done, who-ho! The best part is on it's way as we're getting to build new now - all the old is out. I am very exited with all this, and I'll show you the results as soon as we have some.

And this is very important too: I want to thank you so much everyone, who already yesterday joined to my Christmas-project! It will be great! New participants are more than welcome, still, and we'll talk about that a bit later again. In the meanwhile: Happy Thursday!
Good morning Mia.
I love the new birdies, always great to see your newest designs.I hope your sewing machine gets back to you before the old one gives out.
I had a "light bulb" moment when I woke up re your Advent calendar....every year I make my christmas crackers from scratch, a different colour theme each year, filled with special tiny gifts for my loved ones. I could share that if you think it would be interesting? If so count me in!
Happy Thursday (already).
Love Jane x
Love your new bags Mia! Really, really love the colours, pretty. :)
Still thinking about what I'm going to do for the 'C' project!
Have a good day!
Vivienne x
Ohmygoodness Mia, indeed these are joyous! Thank you for the smile these are scrummy. I just adore birds and bees. Hope your day turns out a lot better, its a bit rainy here. Photographing on hold, Arg! Right Oh, thank you so much for hearting my new little shop.
Hugs, Dani
Dear Jane,
I already counted you in yesterday :) and the crackers-idea sounds splendid! We haven't got them here in Finland which makes it even more special! That's settled, then, thank you so much! We'll talk about the details etc. a bit later!
Have a great Thursday, too and yes, it's Friday again tomorrow, and I am aunting, yippee!
Hello Viv,
Thank you so much, these bags were a custom order, already posted to far, far away...
And please do not take any pressure of that C-project, I know you can really start thinking of that in maybe November ;) which is fine! I am not in hurry, so we can talk about that later, I already have counted you in though!
Happy Thursday to you and yippee, sun here too, now, morning was not-so-great!
Thank you, Dani!
Sun shines here a bit now (yippee!) and your blog-post made my day already! And your shop is adorable, deserves many, many hearts :)
I am now off to take some pictures as I am not sure, how long the shine lasts ;) - Happy Thursday!
They are all so nice. I like the blue one especially. Just wondering.. Do you know that I have a blog?
Thank you, Glenys!
I just visited you there - I managed to "click" your name and that lead me there! I am off to shop now but I'll be back later to read it more. I am so happy I found it!
Happy Thursday!
you must knit really fast to get all those lovely bags done so quickly
Hi again, periwinkle!
And oh, sometimes I knit fast and sometimes I am veeryyy slow - I just have some pictures on my computer all the time which I can show to you. I love creating things and I knit something every day.
Have a happy day and many greetings from Finland again!
I do know what you mean about the 'back to basics' although it is good to hear about your other stuff too.
The last image of the blue and white pouch is gorgeous - so fresh and appealing.
Have a good weekend Mia,
P x
Thank you so much, Pam!
I am happy you liked my birdie-bags!
Happy weekend, see you again on Monday!
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