A great weekend is one without a specific plan what to do or a long list of tasks to complete. A great weekend has many little things to do (and many get done, too) and many moments with nothing to do (and that normally goes well also).

This weekend of mine was striped. There were many gray stripes, and then there were sunny yellow ones too, and some chocolate brown. And there were busy moments, but just enough lovely lazy ones with knitting, DVD and a good book to maintain the great balance. And did I already mention chocolate?

My knitting seems to be striped also, again, which I do love. I think this is going to be the theme for this week - happy stripes for everyone this Monday!
What a perfectly balanced weekend Mia...and was there some exercise in there too??!!;0) Good to see the stripes again. Off to work for me now, have a great Monday.
Love Jane x
Oh yes, Jane, I had long walks (when it was not raining) and I didn't use car at all whole weekend! A aappy weekend, all in all. I hope yours was good too, and a great week follows to both of us!
My weekend was striped too Mia! A great big stripe of grey cloud in fact that managed to rain on us for most of the weekend!!! I did squeeze a (wet) walk in yesterday and I did get a bit of crochet done. :)
Your knitting is gorgeous!
Beautiful morning here today, bright and sunny. :)
Have a great week,
Vivienne x
Oh, rainy weekend elsewhere too? But our day is sunny and bright today too, so only yellow and orange stripes only this morning (so far!):)
Happy week to you too, Viv!
Do so love the stripes Mia, chocolate you say, right oh, can't be without my chocolate. Rainy weekend here great for a movie and creating. Have a great day!
Hugs, Dani
Sweet Mia... I just posted my scarf and Hat set where I did patches with needle felting on them.. remember these are my first...the next patches I make I will felt the patches... going to get even braver soon...
I am so so so loving your work.. you birds are so perfect they have so much character!!
Thanks for looking!!
Thank you, Dani!
I am so happy to see, that everyone's having wonderful time even it rains and days are darker and gray. Creating still happens :)
Have a wonderful week!
Dear Jeannie,
Welcome to my blog! I already visited yours yesterday and just went back to see your new set, beautiful work!
It makes me so happy to find another ones loving knitting and felting: happy creating!
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