It's not sunny and pretty outside and still messy inside. I needed something else to think about and knew just the thing. My Christmas magazine collection!

I have quite a collection, earliest are from 1996 or so, and there are magazines in Finnish, English, Swedish, French and even two in German (and two latest I do not speak a word of but the pictures, ah the pictures). I have crafty magazines (cards mostly), home& decoration and then some Cosmopolitans. I also have saved the best (my biased opinion) of the those catalogues we receive to our post boxes before Christmas.

I would love to say that I use these magazines for inspiration, that I find something new to our Christmas from them every year, decorations, food... But no, I use them just for lifting my spirits. I know them by heart now (and just in case have also marked the best articles and the pages with most beautiful images with little wooden pegs) and I just admire the pictures. Have a cup of good coffee or tea, and browse through pages and pages of beautiful homes and creations. I do this all year round to make me happy, warm and cozy.

Happy Tuesday!
P.S. Dani started Christmas to us early too, please go and see her giveaway! It's really never too early to spread the holiday spirit!

I know I probably should go through these, get the best pictures and images and make a book of them but I just can't. Because I know some of my favorite pages have beautiful things on both sides - how could I choose? So I keep my piles like they are and enjoy! And I think it's about the time already!
Happy Tuesday!
P.S. Dani started Christmas to us early too, please go and see her giveaway! It's really never too early to spread the holiday spirit!
Mia I am just the same....only because I have to read SO much for my job (medical journals, latest research etc etc)I only treat myself to a few of these magazines each year and it's usually at the approach to Christmas. I LOVE looking at all the wonderful pictures,it's very uplifting, and whatever the weather outside is doing and no matter how dark it gets SO early...yes it's happy, warm and cozy inside......
It's my day off and my silversmithing class today so I may even go into the newsagents and see what magazines are already in print!
Love Jane X
Hi Mia
Well no 'C' magazines here I'm afraid! It's still warm and sunny and I'm off walking into town through my local park to enjoy the sunshine!
This is my kind of autumn. :)
Have a great day!
Vivienne x
Hi Jane,
I knew you just might be the same as I know how much you love Christmas! I have so many other "useless" things in my cupboards already that these magazines really make no difference (and I love them!)so I am keeping them all. In our newsstands there were no C-magazines yet (just checked 30min ago!)...
Happy day off!
Hi Viv,
I knew (as I know Jane loves C) that you're not quite into these magazines yet ;) It's just been so dark and gloomy here that I needed a bit of cheering up. Now it shines again and it's a lovely autumn day!
Happy day!
I've not got my Christmas stash of magazines out yet - it needs to be a little colder, a little darker and less colour on the trees. So won't be long then!
P xx
I know, Pam, I am early... But sometimes you just need that :)
Now it's sunny and pretty so I am sending you some light and happy thoughts!
Ooh I also love the moments that I go through my magazine stash and it gives you such a lovely feeling. I've just gone through some of my magazines - had to declutter a bit, but its sad to let them go. I've copied / scanned pages before if there is beautiful things on both pages. Enjoy your inspiration. Carina x
Hi Carina,
I know the hardness of tossing magazines :) and I just can't get rid of my beloved Christmas ones. I have re-cycled many, many others (Cosmos, Finnish decoration mags..) so I think I can keep these!
Have a wonderful day!
oh a girl after my own heart - when we were getting the new bedroom carpet fitted at the weekend HUb was complaining constantly about all the magazines that had to be moved lol.. Christmas magazines just pull me in and I have to get every one :-)
I save some of my Christmas magazines ---great places for information. I like your idea of saving the catalogues, also.
Here's to a great week.
Anne at PlumCreek22
Hi Mia, Indeed I too have my favs of C magazines. Just can't throw them away.
Also a bit of a movie I just have to watch every year Christmas Vacation.
Because I am creative and selling my creations is what I do, one must start early. Already watched the movie for some reason the C word is hitting me with a smile this year.
Thank you for the post ending your a sweetie.
Have a creative week, Hugs, Dani
Oh, I'm a Christmas lover. Usually I freak people out in July by taking out my stash of Christmas books and mags and reading them in the hot sun!
Hello Lisa,
I'm loving all the comments from C-magazine lovers! And the new carpet sounds great, we're still in middle of the renovations chaos, should be over in a week, hopefully...
Happy day!
Hi Anne,
I only try to keep the most beautiful catalogues, I just love to have a look after a few years to see what was in on that particular year, I am Christmas-nut, I know :)
Have a wonderful day and many greetings from Finland to you and your family!
Hi Dani,
we also have a movie we watch (me and my Sis) every Christmas, it's "Love actually" starred by Hugh Grant. It's the best Christmas movie ever! I highly recommend it. we both have our own DVDs too :)
Happy Wednesday!
Hi Outi,
How lovely to have you visiting and commenting! I love your blog (and am happy to see you back on blogging after a writing-break!) and your Christmas book! I actually would love to show it here to my abroad visitors to admire if that's alright with you? I'll me e-mailing you still before I do it.
Have a wonderful day - and it's only 78 days until the Christmas Eve :) !
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