I am quite stunned not only because of the award but also that I just realized that I actually have made friends by blogging and having my little shop. I know the official definition for friendship might involve some face to face meetings, yes, but I think that has changed over the years.
I have changed, too. I love meeting my friends for coffee or some shopping, but I also love meeting my friends online. Reading their stories and seeing their pictures makes me happy, and that just is what I think friendship is all about. Making others happy. Sometimes it may be babysitting someones daughter or sewing new curtains or just being there when life gets rough. And sometimes it's just making someone happy by showing them little handmade stuff or a cute cat. Enough said - this award is for all of you my online friends. I love you all!
Lovely day!
I have changed, too. I love meeting my friends for coffee or some shopping, but I also love meeting my friends online. Reading their stories and seeing their pictures makes me happy, and that just is what I think friendship is all about. Making others happy. Sometimes it may be babysitting someones daughter or sewing new curtains or just being there when life gets rough. And sometimes it's just making someone happy by showing them little handmade stuff or a cute cat. Enough said - this award is for all of you my online friends. I love you all!
Lovely day!
Mia congrats and well deserved. You express many of my own thoughts and experiences of blogging and online friendship- i had no idea that friendship could work online but it does and I greatly value my blogging friendships. By the way, I am still loving the foxy bag in your shop!
Ahh dear Mia, thanks so much for those lovely words on your blog. As I said in my posting the one person I dedicate this award to is you, you so deserve it...for inspiring me to start my blogging journey. Your blog is just so delightful.
I agree how the term friendship has changed in this era of the www. I too really value the interaction we have here and truely class you as my friend :0)
Have a great day, hope you are feeling better? Get those needled fired up!
Love Jane x
Friends are friends no matter where in the world they are. I agree - Jane's blog is truly lovely and I visit regularly from your blogroll.
Take care and have a lovely day Mia. P xx
A truely well deserved award Mia!!
It's true what you say about making friendships in a different way now. Since starting blogging I have 'met' so many lovely people who I now consider as friends especially you Mia!!
Hope things are improving at home!
Have a lovely day. :)
Vivienne x
Thank you, Kerry!
I hadn't idea either but it really works that way - maybe it's that people with similar interests share their thoughts and ideas makes it so easy?
Thanks also for foxybag-love :)
Happy Tuesday!
Thank YOU, Jane! I meant every word! We're really getting better here, cold is a bit better too and the one with bad knee went his way to work already (I know, I know , men!) so I am back to work and my Spanish lessons too tonight!
Happy day!
Hi Pam,
my thoughts absolutely! I love "meeting my friends" sometimes without leaving my house, and I can do that from my own sofa on my pj's if feeling so ;) Great!
Lovely day to you too!
Thank you, Viv!
I think I have made some real friends too, and met some, that I most definitely would not have met otherwise, we live so far away from each other! This all is so great!
We're getting better here and I have more time for knitting again and F.Torres I mean my Spanish tonight again ;)
Have a sunny day!
Beautifully said Mia, I agree entirely, what a wonderful world of lovely people I've met since I started blogging, long may it last!
Thank you, Beth,
And you're one of those stars!
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