I have confessed here how I collect (read: hoard) fabrics, wool, ribbons and craftbooks. I also have a quite impressive button collection, and I have shown some of it here. I also have many things in my cupboards I am not sure of. I am not sure why I have them, and I am also struggling to see a way to use them. But I suck at tossing things.

I have a big jar full of re-cycled metal buttons. And plastic buttons looking like metal. Flowers-shaped buttons, shiny pearl-looking buttons, diamond-shmiamond-buttons. I like them, they're very pretty, but I haven't managed to find any use for them. One could argue if the collection actually needs to be usable at all, but I would like to think that I keep things for reason. So I took a closer look...

...and fell in love again! I can't throw these away! But how could a natural fiber-lover like me (wool, linen, wooden buttons) find a use for such a plastic bling-bling? But as in many cases, the first answer is not always the last (or the best either)! I really think I need to experiment more and think outside the box more often, too. Here we go:

This little rose-holder was closely followed by these:

Little felt pouches with my old birds and some new flowers! I know these might not be everyone's favorites, but I like the new look! And that said it really doesn't take that much to make something look fresh (and new - I think I've used the word a few times here already) - I am happy with the results. Hello spring and sunshine: here come my bling-birdies!

Happy new week!
Wow Mia - I love your new 'Bling Birdies'. You've found a great use for your button stash :0)
Wishing you a lovely week also. x
Thank you, Jill!
I like them too :) and I am so happy I found some use for little part of my large stash!
Happy and sunny day!
I especially love the green one with 3 round buttons, like balloons, lovely!
Thank you, Kerry!
Have a happy and crafty week!
Such adorable button flowers!! They work so well and it just shows you should keep your buttons because some day they'll be used for something pretty! I do love your lively little birdie designs and the button flowers really enhance them. Have a Happy Monday, Mia. Helen x
P.S. Thank you for asking - and yes, my giveaway IS open to readers overseas so I'll definately put your name in the draw!!
Hi Helen,
Thank you for adding my name into the give-away pot :) And you are absolutely right; you never know when you'll find use for those little treasures ;) you have saved for years!
Happiest week!
That is a super new twist there on your lovely bags Mia, I love them all. It shows that you never "hoard" anything, you are just waiting for the right time to use them! ;0)
Have a great evening and a creative week.
Jane x
I love your new bling birdies Mia, they look great!! :)
You can always find a use for things, sometimes it just takes a little while to get there.
Have a great week Mia, with less snow hopefully!!
Vivienne x
I love, love, your bags!
Love these "bling" birdies. Doesn't it feel good to use something from your storage boxes?!
Have a wonderful week.
Anne at PlumCreek
Hi Jane,
I know, I was so happy to think that I'm not a hoarder, just a wise-keeper instead :) Have a great week and kisses to B!
Hello Viv,
It's NOT snowing, hooray! And I am so happy to play around my little bird-designs, buttons are not that big change but something new still :)
Have a happy week!
Thank you so much, Shanti!
Many birdie-filled greetings from Finland!
Hi Anne,
It feels wonderful! I am so happy you liked the "new" birdies, they make me smile too :)
Happiest week and many greetings to all of you!
Dear Mia, vow - amzingly beautiful! I was thinking...I like mostly the green...or the pink....no...the blue...and the grey - no way to choose! They are just so qute! great idea!
Sunny wishes! xxx Teje
Thank you Teje,
Such a compliment from skilled crafter like you! Happy quilting to you!
I love the birdies and their buttons Mia. I'd like one in every colour!
P xx
Thank you, Pam :)
Have a happy day and weekend also soon!
Cute Bling Birdies! I'm a super hoarder as well, my husband it a thrower so it's not always an easy mix in our house, especially as we don't have huge amount of storage space!
Hope you're having a lovely week, Beth :)
Hi Beth!
I am the hoarder in our household too, and luckily hb is not, I think his belonging would fit into a few suitcases and the rest of the house is my "important stuff" :) But hey, as we see, these buttons were "needed" after all!
Happiest weekend soon!
I really like the buttons and I also have trouble throwing things away. Added them as an embellishment makes your most wonderful knittings even more stunning.
Have a wonderful Friday, Hugs,Dani
I know what you mean, Dani, and luckily many things I've kept have found their places with time :)
Happy weekend!
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