Oh my how dark, gray and snowy this weekend has been! It's been pouring that white stuff around the clock, and there's no end to it any day soon. But on the other hand it's not that -28C we had some time ago, so I actually love this snow. But the darkness is almost unbearable in days like this, and I think we really, really needed something colorful today...

I have been fortunate to have quite a few custom-orders for this month, and happily finished the last on Friday. And after those I went through my little black book (read: my new sketch-book, neither black or that little actually, I show it to you soon) pages for new ideas, but I just couldn't resist making a few pins even the idea is not that new. So I cut and needle felted and sew and here they are: happy cats, a smiling fox and little Bob-birds with flowers... and more coming almost as I type this! These just cheer up any gray day, don't you think?

Happy Sunday!
**edit. Monday 28th - it's much brighter here today, yippee, and the brooches got some new friends too! The first picture was updated with a lighter shot too**
Hi Mia, I can only imagine how dark and gloomy it's there because even here it has been grey with dark clouds. But then againg some little spots sunshine.
Your new brooches are IHANIA!!! I love the fox and all of them!
Put all lights on as I do, when it's dark. I'm missing also colours after several blue works and now I have lots of colours on my table!
I wish you wonderful Sunday evening and great new week! x Teje
Thank you Teje,
It's been brighter already in this month so this all-snowy-gray was a bad relapse ;) but soon it's February and then it's almost officially SPRING! Yippee!
Happy Sunday!
A real burst of colour Mia and cute too!
Hope pre~spring arrives in Finland soon and banishes all that gloom.
Happy new week my friend and with less snow!!!
V xxx
Oh Mia what sweet brooches you have made, just right to add some brightness to this very dark time of the year. I hope your weather improves soon...at least it is warming up for you slightly my dear.
Take care and have a great week,
Jane x
Hi Mia, Love your colorful brooches! Such great designs and cheeriness! I think, just what we all need this time of year. We are cold here, but no new snow, just the icy left over snow. But there will definitely be more to come. Hoping you have a good week, can't wait to see more creations.
I'd just need a red one for my birthday outfit tomorrow! ;)
They're so sweet, well done Mia!
They are perfect for winter days. They will look very bright and happy! I am trying to decide which is my favorite.........and I can't decide......may be the fox. I have been a fan of Mr. fox lately. But the cats melt my heart, and the bird' flowers are stunning!
We had sunlight today and melted some snow. I hope you will have some nice weather soon.
Have a wonderful week.
Hello Vivienne,
I am so so so hopeful: it's much brighter today, and February is so near... Spring!!
Have a wonderful week, dear friend!
Hello dear Jane,
I am wishing it too, even some estimated that February will be the coldest month ever here... I do not believe that though, it'll be spring :)
Happy Monday!
Hello sweet Robin,
Thank you for your lovely comment! All is looking much brighter here today, and I wish you're feeling better already and will be running around as usual soon :)
Have a great week!
Hello dear Lavinia,
Thank you! I wish the red birdie could fly to yours asap :)
Happy Birthday! And a lovely new week!
Hello sweet Megumi,
Thank you! I am sure there will be your absolute favorite later too, the little squi... you know who :) !
I wish you a lovely week, and hopefully Mr. Postman visits you soon!
Colour helps everytime! I've spent lots of time lately looking to cheer up the grey snowy days - and looking at those definitely helps. It was a delight to wake to blue skies and sunshine - makes everything look so much better. I hope some of it makes its way to you too.
P xx
Hello Pam,
It's been so much brighter here today, not sunny yet ;) but better!
I wish you a sunny week!
Grey Vs. Color and the color is winning!!
I hope you have lighter and less snowy days soon.
I love all of these brooches!!
Hurry up, February!! Anne and Mia need some springtime!
Best wishes,
Hello sweet Anne,
We so so so need sunshine and spring!
I wish you the most wonderful week, may it be bright and happy!
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