I have written about this many, many times earlier, but it still amazes me: the kindness of people. I know, it sounds somewhat cynical, but reading and watching the news with so many bad things happening all the time makes you think that simple kindness seems to be forgotten. And then, out of the blue, something really nice happens. Nice is good, and nice is what we need, not those larger than life gestures, nice makes us smile.

You still remember my post on December about me and my lovely little nephew baking? And how you lovely readers of mine gently suggested an apron for the next go? It (once again) seems that the shoemaker's children have no shoes, and even I sew daily, we needed one nice person far far away to get the little baker a new apron. Seriously.

One day it just arrived on my doorstep, the cutest little Moomin-apron. Just a perfect size for that little baker. It made me smile so wide (and I shed a few tears too, to be honest). This all said I would like to emphasize that no friendship is based on gifts or anything material, but it was the nice gesture that made our day, the though of someone somewhere was thinking of us and what we might need. And after knowing this lovely, lovely person for years, it is the right time for a public thank you: Thank you so much, dear Anne, you're the best. Thank you for all your letters (yes, real letters, they're rare treats these SMS/facebook/twitter-days!) and other nice gestures over the years, and here's to years of friendship to come! Please take a look at her brand new blog here, it's wonderful to be able to "see" each other even more often now that we both have blogs.
We celebrated Valentine's Day last week, and for that we received some more wonderful treats, and I also got an another yummy surprise parcel the other day - the kindness is all around me! Thank you, dears, you know who you are and how much you're appreciated.
Have a nice day, everyone!

Have a nice day, everyone!
P.S. The pictures here were taken by my sis&brother-in-law, thank you! And I appreciate you even trying to capture that little hurricane when he's excited of something - there's no camera quick enough.
How cute is that little baker!!!
Kindness is indeed a wonderful thing!
Happy Tuesday Mia,
V xxx
That is so so lovely. What a beautiful gester! You are so spot on with this post Mia. <3
This is so true Mia, blogging just opens up a huge new world of kindness. What a lovely apron your sweet nephew was sent and how wonderful that Anne has her own blog now.. I shall pop over and say hello there, she is indeed a very kind lady. Never forget Mia that you too are a kind andnd generous soul and I really appreciate being able to count you as a dear friend. Happy Tuesday, Jane x
Hello Vivienne,
He's the best baker :) and ever so interested to try EVERYTHING too!
Lovely Tuesday to you too, dear friend!
Thank you, Nova!
And your new avatar picture is so lovely, cute you&cute cat = wonderful!
Happy day!
Hello Jane,
And thank you so much for your kind comment! When I started blogging and all this www-thing, I really didn't know what to expect - it has been wonderful to meet you all here!
Have a lovely day and kisses to B!
Hi Mia! I have missed you - like I haven't seen you for a long time! Nice to see your little helper in speed! Anne had a lovely idea, sweet heart and she made just adorable Moomin apron!
I was happy to find out Anne's new blog! x Teje
Hello Teje,
Thank you for your comment - I have been busy, and my new blogging-regime has slowed down... surprise! But I have quite a few things to show top you all... Soon!
Happy week!
Hello Mia,
Love all the pictures. I can see your nephew is so happy and loves his apron! Such a nice gift! I think you are surrounded such nice people.. I am rather new in your world, but I know you are kind, generous and sweet so I think those things bounce back and forth between you and your friends:)
I visited Anne's blog, and also her shop. I loved her creations! I found some pins and broaches that I like very much. Thanks for the link.
Have a wonderful week.
Hello Megumi,
I am so happy to share both nice&kind things AND people in my life, and you're definitely one of them! I wish you a lovely, lovely week!
Oh Mia, my face is red!!
A big, big thank you for your kind words. I'm just happy the apron was a good size for Mr. L.
Thanks again to his Mom and Dad for the photos.
Hoping to have a few readers at my blog. See you in blogland.....
Hello sweet Anne,
Thank you still once - and congrats to your new blog! We'll meet there (and here) soon again!
Have a lovely day!
Hello Mia, your post really made me smile, you are so right, and I have never forgotten the lovely parcel you sent to me when M was knocked off his bike and I had pneumonia, it really did totally lift my spirits - people are lovely, aren't they. Bethx
Hello Beth,
This blog-community really amazes me time after time: such kindness and wonderful people. And I am a firm believer of "pay it forward" so is I'm spoiled by kindness, there will be much to share too!
Have a lovely March soon!
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