Oh my, what a week! I had so much in my to-do-list, and most of them (as always) were to accomplish at the same time... So hectic it was but great! And to make my days brighter and happier I had a long waited visitor to stay for almost whole week... Please meet Clara:

Clara is a happy traveling owl and she travels all around world, and visits many creative people, and now it was my turn! And what a lovely time we had! As I was busy getting a big order ready and shipped, Clara was more than happy to help! She tried needle felting...


Our days were full of activities, and in the evenings we just fell in sleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow. Clara slept greatly in her busy-bee bed:

...and after a well-deserved beauty-sleep she was ready for some more action...

She helped me to sort and pack a few things, and we also wrote a card to Clara's best friend, Hans the Hedgehog! We wish Hand gets his card soon. Clara misses Hans a lot even she has the best time visiting wonderful, new people, and I wanted to ease that a little. So I made Clara...

A hedgehog-hat! Fits her perfectly too! Clara travels with her precious journal, where every one who meets her can write a note, draw a picture or capture some memories any way they wish. I scribbled down a few pages too...

...just before it was time to get Clara safely packed for her travel to the next destination, Sweden! Thank you so much for your visit, sweet Clara, and happy and safe travels!

P.S. You can find out more about Clara&her travels by clicking the sidebar button in my blog "Follow Clara's Travels" or you can read about it here, and oh please go visit Susi, the wonderful lady behind Clara here - all this will make you smile, I promise!