
Candy colors

Welcome April! Welcome colors! I have been inspired by Easter candy we still have  I had to purchase an another batch for this photoshoot. Colors make me happy, and if you like them too, those (and some other) bags can be seen more closely in my candyshop shop here. Candy long gone (again) I'm afraid.

Lovely weekend!



Jane said...

Such gorgeous colours Mia and such wonderful photos. Even the bags look edible. These are perfect for spring. We have sunshine here ...yay! We even had our first cup of tea in the garden this afternoon....spring is springing!! Enjoy your evening,
Jane x

Mia said...

Thank you Jane,

I am in LOVE with all these colors right now, and can't wait to see some green outside too (I am green with envy: teal at garden?!)... Maybe in a few weeks...

Wishing you a lovely weekend, may it be sunny and bright!


greenrabbitdesigns said...

Delicious colours Mia and beautiful bags! And the good thing about the photoshoot is you get to eat the props! ;)
Hope the sun is shining on you we have had a beautiful spring day! :)
Enjoy your weekend,
V xxx

Anne said...

Hi Mia, So, so pretty!! My first thought was Mother's Day...wouldn't these be so pretty for someone's Mom.

Love your inspiration....
Happy creating and relaxing weekend to you,

PlumCreek Studio

Jessie's Needle said...

Very colourful, such pleasure in simple things. I can't have sweets sitting there with out wanting to eat them also.


Mia said...

Hello Vivienne,

My thoughts exactly (and that's why my original inspiration was gone before I got the pictures taken...)!

It's a sunny (yet chilly) morning here, and I am loving it! Happy springly Sunday to you too!


Mia said...

Dear Anne,

It's still one month until Mother's Day here, but colors would be great for that (and a bag would be a great gift ;) also)!

Fishing you a lovely, sun-filled weekend!


Mia said...

Hello Jessie,

Thank you! Candy has such pretty colors, and with sunshine they are so pretty---and so tasty :) too! In Easter we had quite a lot, and now we really should cut down...except for inspiration's sake?!?

Have a lovely Sunday!


Teje Karjalainen said...

Mia, I have a big smile on my face! I can taste and smell those candies and I looove your bags! Beautiful, happy, spring!!!
Your candy photos are also so lovely!
I bought yesterday Haribo letters and at home realized I could play with them! We don't have here many candies I like, but dark chocolate we have and father sent just Fazer's blue and salmiakki! So everything is fine for a while! I wish you happy, sunny week, dear friend! x Teje

Mia said...

Dear Teje,

I am sure you've tried that candy in your childhood, they're pretty typical Finnish Easter-candy, sort of tough outside, and soft&white inside...And very, very sweet!

I wish you the most wonderful and creative new week soon, and please let me know if you run out of salmiakki&fazerin sininen, I am more than happy to help :)


Hääräämön Laura said...

Aivan ihania juttuja sulla täällä blogissa. Tykkään niin sun valokuvistakin.

Mia said...

Heipsan Laura!

Kiitos kivasta kommentista, ja lämpimästi tervetuloa! Nyt alkaa olla meilläkin (iloisessa itä-Suomessa) tarpeeksi valoa kuvaamiseen, iltasellakin (ja sisällä!) voi näpsiä menemään; se on oikeesti kevät nyt!

Iloista sunnuntaita!


Megumi said...

Hello Dear Mia,

I think your spring colors are adorable. I love them:)

In my yard some flowers are blooming. I have a lot to do in the yard!! I hope your flowers bloom soon.


Megumi said...
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Beth of The Linen Cat said...

Lovely Spring colours in the post and as I read we are having some beautiful sun here in the UK, in fact I am too hot in my wool tights! Perhaps the warm weather is really here to stay. Wishing you a sunny April. Bethx

Mia said...

Hello Beth,

Happy to hear you've having some great weather! It's been rainy here, but snow melts as I type...Yippee!

Happiest April to you too!


This time of the year...

Usually around this time, when children go back to school, and you can just about to smell the autumn, I start to dig deeper in my fabric...