When was the last time you wrote a letter? I mean a real letter, not a text or an e-mail? I know, it's been long for me too. I love receiving letters, there's something much more personal in hand-written note than an e-mail (even I LOVE them too). I can still remember when I was a child, we wrote constantly. By hand - all the time. I had many penpals all over the world, and at school we girls wrote letters to each other daily even we were together all the time. I really miss that easiness in writing, you didn't need a special occasion to write, you just picked up a pen and started scribbling. And the receiver loved your note, and wrote back.

Nowadays I do not even have a proper stationary. I used to have many different papers for letter-writing and matching envelopes, too. I am so happy I won these beautiful flowered notecards from Anne's spring giveaway a while ago, thank you! These cards are great, there's plenty space but not too much, so it's easy to start writing a little more than Hi! or Happy Birthday! Anne writes most wonderful notes (and always by hand!), and she makes beautiful things too: Please visit her beautiful shop here, there's a sale going on for a few days still!

I also thought that maybe I would write more often if I had a pretty pencase? It would caught my eye every now and then and inspire me to get my pens out and write a little note for someone special. And once I got it going...

Happy Monday!
Aivan ihania noi sun penaalit! Kirjeiden kirjoittaminen ja saaminen on kyllä nykyään niin harvinaista, oikeastaan olematonta herkkua. Mä kyllä kirjottelisin mielelläni, kun ois vaan joku kirjekamu. Muistan kun silloin esiteininä oli muotia hankkia ulkomailta kirjekavereita. Eipä taideta enää nykyään sitä harrastaa, paitsi ehkä jossain nettichatissä.. :/
Haha Mia, you can never just stop with one, can you?! :)
They are gorgeous and of course yours is pink.
Beautiful stationary from Anne and of course we don't write the way we used to and that is a shame!
Happy new week my friend,
V xxx
Hi Mia, I saw those pencil cases in your shop. I'm so happy you liked your giveaway cards. My mother was such a great letter writer. I think this rubbed off on my sister and me.
Thanks for the links to shop//blog.
Happy late Monday.....
PlumCreek studio
I love letters too Mia but as you say it's a rarity these days. It makes the letters we do get extra special. I am in love with those pencil cases......how cute are they? Happy Tuesday my dear seeing those new creations made me really smile. Jane x
Gorgeous, Mia! You are so clever and crafty...and no, one is never enough :) Love your sweet stationary too, what a lovely gift.
Have a happy sunny week.
Helen X
Adorable, what a perfect combination of your bird and the letter!
Heipsan Nova,
Ja kiitos! Ja ihan samaa muistelin, teininä oli niitä penpaleja vaikka mistäpäin maailmaa, ne tais sitten yläasteelle mennessä tms. jäädä pikkuhiljaa pois?
Ihanaa alkanutta hutikuuta sinne, aurinkoa ja kevättä!
Hello Vivienne,
I KNOW, I always must make the second---third---many :) And oh how I love those notecards, I have written now more than in years!
Wishing you a wonderful week!
Thank you dear Anne,
Still once for that giveaway-win, I love my cards! I would love to write (and RECEIVE!) more letters, and I think it's just the matter of trying a bit harder - we'll see how it goes!
Have a wonderful April-week!
Sorry sweet Mia, I late in commenting!!! Love love the pencil cases and all the colors.
You are just so creative. xoxo
Hello Jane,
I am so happy I made you smile - just what we need every day! I wish you sunny days and happy creating - and a big kiss to B again!
Hello Helen,
Thank you! Oh my, I never can make just one :) - more the merrier?!
Wishing you a beautiful, sunny April days and happy crafting!
Hello Kerry,
Thank you! I am so happy you like my birdies!
Wishing you sunny days!
Hello dear Robin,
Thank you! I am so happy my little birdies are liked, to make people smile is what me&my little tweets try to do every day... :)
Happy April, sunshine and kisses to Jack!
I agree about letters. Lately people don't write much. I started getting just emails instead of Christmas cards too. I have a lot of pens and pencils. I should put them in the pen case you made, and write letters!
Dear Megumi,
I would love to receive one from you :) I am wishing these pretty pencil cases (and yours!) will encourage to grab a pen more often!
Happy day!
Hi Mia, lovely pen(cil) cases and I agree on the writing letters by hand comments. I had to write a long letter the other day and half way through my writing kind of merged into a mess, I have no idea why, it started out neat enough. I think you get out of practice. Bethx
Hello Beth,
I have similar problems, I tend to make many spelling mistakes when writing by hand (oh and typing too, but it's easier to correct!), and my writing is messy too...I am sure it's the practice we need!!!
Have a wonderful week!
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