Berry-picking... oh my - the weather has been wonderful, and the bushes are full of lovely red currants! Blacks are almost non-existent this year for some reason, but these glorious reds we have plenty. We had a family picking (and a picnic after) last weekend, and within a few moments we gathered more than 25 litres, and now they're resting happily in my freezer. Ready for those dark and miserable winter days, to make wonderful summer-smoothies. Strawberries were frozen a few weeks ago too, and we're planning to have a little blueberry-picking trip soon too. Wonders of Finnish summer.
Picking will most probably continue this evening still, as unfortunately I haven't yet heard of Karen, who was the winner of my giveaway a week ago. I have tried to contact her several times, and let her know that I will be picking a new winner this evening if I will no hear from her today. So all of you, who were participating, please watch this space! And for once it's great to be a hoarder, who never tosses anything quite yet - I still have your names in that Moomin-jug... To be re-picked if needed! To be continued...
Happy Tuesday, see you here soon!
Good morning dear Mia, there is certainy fruit a plenty there. What wonderful berries your little nephew picked. Your have frozen your summer memories...bliss. How exciting that you may be getting that Moomin jug out again for even more picking....fingers crossed again. Happy Tuesday x
Look at all those juicy little berries, expertly picked I might say too! :) It will be lovely to have memories of summer days tucked away in your freezer!
Yay for the Moomin jug!!! ;)
Happy Tuesday my friend,
V xxx
Hi Mia! I still hope that one day we have our red cottage and berry bushes! Lovely post with your little helper! Enjoy all the berries which are so treasures! x Teje
... hmmm could have added that I miss berries but just picked paprikas, aubergines, tomatoes and cucambers. x Teje
Hello Jane,
I know, we have plenty this year! It's amazing how I needed to get over 30-mark *ahem* until I started to appreciate the Finnish berries...And most of them come free! And soon we'll start getting mushrooms too, I can't wait - it must be the big 4 and 0!
Happy day!
Hello Vivienne,
This little helper only (only!) picked the best/biggest/reddest/most delicious fruit, it was all done with such time and devotion :) But I am so happy we get to show children these simple yet very valuable things like berry-picking... These I also remember from my childhood!
Wishing you a lovely day!
Hello sweet Teje,
I wish I could send you some freshly picked berries, and you could send me some of those aubergines from you garden (and a lot of tomatoes and paprikas too!), I am sure they'll have the most special, delicious taste!
Have a lovely day!
Hi Mia and L, I was thinking of you guys and blueberries!! Now, I'll be thinking of you and currants. Your red hat matches the currants (-:
Bon appétit....Sounds tasty for winter treats(when we're freezing and need a bit of summer)!!
Please put my name in your jug, again.
Happy new week and Tuesday,
Anne and all
Your little helper looks so cute.....and what a lot of delicious berries he picked! I always love to see redcurrants, they are such a lovely colour, like little jewels.
Wishing you lots more sunshine and happy summer times, Mia.
Helen x
Hello Anne,
Thank you for your happy message! It's been great summer here, and we've had some great times outdoors, berry-picking and other fantastic activities. I wish this weather continues until October or so...
Lovely, sunny day!
Hello Helen,
It's always so sun to be with my nephew, he gets so wonderfully excited of everything, I thing that's something we (read:me) need to learn from the children. So every single little thing we do together turns into fun, I love it!
I wish you wonderful August soon, and happy times with your grandchildren!
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