Happy Halloween dear friends! We do not celebrate it here that much, but starting with it made a great disguise for the fact that it is the very last day of October, and my blogging has not been too plentiful lately *ahem* but let's keep camouflaging that with these happy things I have been creating during this month:

It has been quite busy around here lately, but I have found time to make a few mushrooms here, some little balls and birdies there...

... And I simply have not been worrying that I usually have the C-stockings ready by now. This year seems to be a bit different, but hey, as long as my creations are cheery and make me you smile we are all good. So some happy autumn-wreaths here we go:

There are happy birds, autumn flowers and leaves to put up outside or to your window...

...and some happy toadstools for your front door or to cheer up the cabinets inside...

...and the most autumnal of the all birdie-wreath with some happy acorns and a big leaf

All in my shop now. With these I wish you the most wonderful weekend, and ...

...Happy November soon!
Oh your little autumn decorations definitely made me smile.....just gorgeous Mia! I just love those little toadstools. :)
Happy Halloween my friend and have a great weekend too!
V xxx
Hello dear Vivienne,
Thank you! Happy that you liked my latest creation - and autumn it is here also rather than winter, no snow anywhere, yippee!
Happy weekend, dear friend!
Moi Mia,
Uskomatonta löytää sinut! :) Olen yrittänyt etsiä muutama kertaa, mut kun en muistanut sun sukunimea, sitäpaitsi olet mennyt naimisiin vielä!
Olet ilmeisesti taitelija, hienot työt, onnea!
Hyvää viikonloppua!
Ystävällisin terveisin,
Alexey P / AP :)
Absolutely gorgeous decorations, Mia! I really love them! Happy Halloween, have a lovely weekend.
Helen xox
Hi Mia! Fantastic idea! These make me smile! First I thought they are bracelets - they could be! Most beautiful and cute way to enjoy your unique creatures! x Teje
Hard to choose just one favorite. So adorable.
Happy weekend, Mia.
Anne D.T.
Hard to choose just one favorite. So adorable.
Happy weekend, Mia.
Anne D.T.
Hello my dear friend what gorgeous autumn wreaths you have created. I love them all especially those sweet acorns. It's still so warm here, 20c today! I hope your snow is delayed. Happy weekend xx
Dear Mia, thanks so much for your update, your posts aways make me smile!
Here in Guarulhos, Brazil, we have been suffering a lot with hot temperature (and see it that we are only in Spring!)
Anyway, beautiful artcraft, I love your birds.
Thanks again!!
These are very very cute and fun. I tried to decide which on is my favorite and it was difficult!
I didn't have any kids came to our house this year! Now I have to eat all the Kit-cut.
Hello everyone,
And a big thank you for your lovely comments!I wish you all had the greatest Halloween, and now we are all heading happily to the Holiday Season!
Ja AP-muruseni: laittelehan e-mailia tulemaan (osoitteeni löytyy blogin etusivun profiilista) niin saadaan kuulumiset vaihdettua! Ihan parhautta kuulla sinusta, joskin näin suomeksi on tosi outoa kirjoittaa, so: email me, AP-sweetie, and we'll talk soon!
These are lovely Mia - especially with the acorns!! Bethxx
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