I am not sure if this has happened to you, but sometimes when I have a clear plan what I am going to do I somehow manage to get myself completely sidetracked, and something totally different from my actual plan is created. This is quite close to what happened this weekend, and Alma was born.

I was actually planning something else (bunnies were in my mind but not Alma), but when I was finished, there she was:

She has a special hand knitted smohair (yes, smohair, pretty close to mohair but better she says) Holiday-dress on, her best peppermint-necklase and the special red bag to carry a very important letter to mailbox...

But what I am not sure is if the letter ever gets sent in time; Alma is the sweetest little bunny but she, just like me, gets sidetracked pretty easily, and can be found dreaming of Christmas here and there - the letter still in her bag!

I wish you all loved meeting Alma, and if I just can let her (and her sisters and brothers) go in a few days, the will jump into my shop. Maybe you can help her to mail that precious letter?
Lovely Monday!
I'm jumping up and down here Mia....squealing!! :)
Will Alma have any little friends trimmed in green by any chance???
Alma is of course extremely beautiful in her smohair, goodness you've brightened a rather dull Monday!
Happy new week my friend,
V x
Oh Mia , I love Alma! I think I must have missed her, I don't see her in your shop! I hope there will be more just like sweet Alma! xoRobin
I will give her a good homeđđ°đ
Dear Vivienne,
I thought this little lady might get you smiling :) I will see if there is any green smohair ;) in my stash... You just need to wait a little while still! I am so happy I managed to brighten your day, it is dull here too!
See you here soon!
Dear Robin,
Thank you for your lovey comments! Alma is not in my shop yet, she is still napping on a shelf near my working table :) and she and her siblings will be in my shop during this week, hopefully tomorrow or Wednesday! I will tell you all about them here first, so see you here soon again!
Lovely Monday!
Sooo sweet!! Lovely Alma looks like she's ready for winter---Christmas list and everything.
Thanks Mia for cheering up this snowy Monday.(-:
Can't wait to see more of her family in your shop.
Anne D.T.
Dear Mia, you didn't surprise me with surprinsgly sweet Alma! She is the most adorable little bunny! I can imagine you working hard and creating NEW fantastic ideas! I like to say congratulations - Alma is so perfect add to your beautiful collection! Lots of warm wishes and sunshine! x Teje
Oh Mia, she is just sooooo cute, I love her. I am so glad you got distracted and she was born. I can't wait to see her in the shop with her siblings, you have created a winner here! Have a lovely week my dear xx
Sweet Alma :) She's cute!
Alma is so cute. Well done!
Oh she is the cutest thing! So sweet!
Hello, how are you? You have a very nice blog, not to miss any post I do follower. I invite you to know my blog and if you like you make my follower too. A greeting
Alma is so sweet, Mia!! She is such a lovely little character, and I liked reading about her :)
Happy week.
Helen xox
Hello Anne,
Thank you! We had snow a few days ago, and that also inspired me making these bunny-sisters, happy to hear you liked Alma!
Have a lovely week!
Hello Teje,
Thank you, I am happy you liked Alma! I saw your picture in instagram showing how warm it was at yours...wow, how I would love to visit! Thank you for the sunshine, we have zero here in November!
Happy day!
Hello Jane,
Thank you! I loved making Alma&her sisters, and I wish others will like them too!
Have a lovely week, happy C-crafting!
Hello Lilli,
Thank you! Many greetings from snowy Finland!
Hello Gillian,
Thank you, happy to hear that you liked Alma!
Have a lovely day!
Hello Megumi,
Thank you s much, I am so so happy you liked little Alma!
Wishing you beautiful November days (and hopefully some more sunshine than here!)!
Hello Awesome Needles,
So nice to have you visiting me here! I wish you a wonderful day, and hope to see you here again soon!
Hello Helen,
Thank you for your lovely comment! I am so happy little Alma was liked - and I wish her sisters will cause some smiles too :)
Have a lovely day!
Mia, not so snowy at SeinÀjoki ;) I wish it would snow already!
I'm reading backwards again. She's lovely, bet she flew out of the shop. The details are just spot on, how cute is her letter and little peppermint necklace! Bxx
No voi himpula, Lilli, isot pahoittelut kömmÀhdyksestÀ! YleensÀ AINA nappaan uusien lukijoiden nimen linkkiÀ, josko löytyisi blogia ja muuta, mutta taisin olla niin pupu-huumassa ettÀ jÀi kurkkimatta! Tervetuloa siis blogiini, ja paljon terkkuja sinne SeinÀjoelle, ja toivottavasti sinnekin saadaan pian lunta! TÀÀllÀ on nyt enempi nuhja-suoja-keli, taitaa sulaa nÀmÀkin vielÀ...
Iloisen torstain-toivotuksin Mia
Hello Beth,
Thank you! Alma has left the building already, and she is on her way to a new home across the pond! I am so happy these little bunnies have been liked, and they are just a blast to make, I would love to make an another and another and...
Wishing you happy November days, any snow yet ;) ?
Aivan ihana!
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