Midsummer Eve started with rain and dark clouds, but it was thankfully soon cleared by some pretty blue skies and sunshine. Cold it has been, so my Midsummer roses are still in buds, but oh boy there will be quite a few flowers once all those are open! And thanks to rain we have had here daily *sigh* nature is in full bloom, green and beautiful.

Due to not-so-brilliant weather forecast we planned being indoors a lot, and stocked up board games, movies and all kind of treats from marshmallows to pop corn and blueberry cheese cake. And Moomin cookies, one must not forget the Moomin cookies.

It was a lovely surprise to see the sun appear after all the darkness and rain, and even the torrent wind was gone. We happily parked outside, dined out (BBQ!) and played our games and ate our treats at patio too. And loved every second of it!

How was your Midsummer-weekend?
I know I have been away the blogland a lot lately, and have abandoned even the wonderful blog-posts you lovely people have written during the last months. I have had some laptop problems (now blogging from hb's), but the main reason is that I have had quite a lot on my plate again. Since January I had a special project here in my hometown, and it just took almost all I got and some, even it was truly rewarding and wonderful at the same time. We had the last of it just before Midsummer, and now the school's out and so am I - and hopefully getting back to blogging saddle again. My Etsy-shop is also looking a bit sad and lonely, but I wish to get it blooming soon again. In the meanwhile I am still taking it somewhat slow, and getting inspiration from Pinterest and IG and all over - and I will be visiting you all wonderful bloggers asap. Happy summer days to you all, and if you happen to have any sunshine to spare: send it over, please!
Some lilac-scented greetings to you all!
So glad you had a lovely mid summer Mia! I still can quite come to terms with the fact that half the year has gone already but for the sake of my own sanity I'm not dwelling on it!
It sounds like you have been very busy but hopefully now that things have settled down you can relax, do a bit of knitting and needle felting and fingers crossed, enjoy lots of sunshine!
Have a lovely week my friend,
V x
** that should read 'can't ' ....most definitely not 'can'!!!! ;)
Hello my dear Mia. It's always lovely to see you here and I'm glad you enjoyed your midsummer celebrations. How quickly have these 6 months gone. We have had rain this morning but the sun is peeping through and it's very warm. Sending some your way. Hoping that your skies turn blue soon. Hugs xx
Hello dear Vivienne,
We were lucky to have such a pretty Midsummer-weekend, it is rainy&stormy here again... And I know, when they said this morning in telly "just 6 months to C" I almost spilled my coffee... Time really flies (too fast if you ask me!)!
Wishing you happy and sunny days, and lovely new bunnies all over!
Hello dear Jane,
It has been the fastest ever half year - and only 6 months to your best time of the year - can you imagine it?! I wish you are having some beautiful June-days with blooming garden and sunny spot seeking Billy!
Lovely week!
Your flowers are lovely. We aren't having much sunshine either.
Hello Gillian,
Sorry to hear that sun is not shining at yours either :( let's wish July will change all this!
Lovely June-days come rain or shine!
Hello dear Mia so lovely to see you again! Happy summertime......I hope you enjoy lots more sunny days outdoors and have a nice rest after all your busy times.
Helen xox
Hello Helen,
Lovely to have you visiting me! We have had quite a lot going on around here lately (good and not-so-much) and unfortunately blogging has suffered... But I wish to be back in a little while again. Wishing you lovely July-days!
Hello Lovely Mia, you must not apologise for being away from blog-world, I know I tend to do the same thing, but sometimes 'real life' just gets in the way. I'm sorry to read about the dreary weather, we're baking hot here in the UK, almost a bit much so (typical Brit, never happy with the weather - ha ha!) so I hope since you wrote this that the sun is also shining on you and you find time to fit everything into your busy days. Bethxx
It's already August, but I realized I didn't leave comment on this... Summer was just started in June and days were long. Your floweres are (were) becautiful. Cute rain boots! Hopy your rard is still green and beautiful with late summer floweres. My hummingbirds are mostly left to south. I just saw one yesterday. It might be just stopping by on the way to south too. I wish them safe trips.
Dear Megumi,
Lovely to have you visiting me here, and I must apologize: I really have abandoned my blog lately. I am slowly getting back to it all... And what better time than autumn when schools are starting and all. It is wonderful to hear that you have still seen some of those precious hummingbirds, even they are on their move - but just to come back next spring!
Happy September!
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