

Sometimes plans need to be changed, and yesterday was one of those - I had planned a post to show some happy pre-Christmas makes and showing my first ever big article in a craft magazine and even having a sale-code for my shop, but reading the new from Paris yesterday morning I just could not push the send button. My heart goes out for all those lives that tragedy has touched, and I just really can't--- 

See a loved one today!



greenrabbitdesigns said...

I know.......💔

mynestofyarnandbuttons said...

Yes Mia, we all are so saddened by this tragedy. Thank you for your candles, I am praying for Paris.

Jane said...

So true my dear friend x

Mia said...

Dear Vivienne, Robin&Jane,

A big hug to you all, my dear friends! Let's spread love&happiness, that makes a world a little better place!

Many warm thoughts from snowy Finland!


Unknown said...

Thanks for this remembrance, Mia. It's been a very sad weekend.
Thinking and praying for the people of Paris.

Anne D.T. xx

Mia said...

Thank you, dear Anne,

I am sending many warm thoughts for you, and keep wishing peace to all of us. Let's hug our loved ones today - every little piece of love helps!


This time of the year...

Usually around this time, when children go back to school, and you can just about to smell the autumn, I start to dig deeper in my fabric...