Sunny greetings from cold Finland, and with a little imagination you could say we have blue skies here today too!
Today I feel sort of in-between, you know how it is sometimes in these days between Christmas and New Year? Home is all beautifully decorated, and you could just relax and stay in bed late, wander in your new pj's all day within arm length of chocolate box, but... For me these days quite often bring a little blues - old year almost gone, and uncertain feelings for the new. It eases after New Year, when I start making plans for the new year to come, turn a new, fresh page on my wall calendar and start waiting spring. I think the best thing to do for today is to share a few pictures of those wonderful Holidays we just had, and then take a little knitting under a warm duvet and just... mellow if that can be used as verb.
Lovely last days of 2015 to you all, see you soon again!
* I knit the little red cardigan from the pattern "Baby's Lace Cardigan" by Stefanie Japel from the book "Mom&Me Knits", got the book, love it!
I know exactly what you mean Mia, I have to be honest and say I don't really like these in between days, I agree they can be low days. I've just said goodbye to my boy as he heads back to Berlin and I'd really like to take the decorations down (I won't just yet) and get on with pre-Spring , I am so done with Christmas now!!
On the bright side (before we depress each other) the little cardie is beautiful, as is the little cutie on the cushion!!
V xxx
Hello dear Vivienne,
Lovely 29th for you! And oh how I can identify to your comment, just my thoughts! I know everything should (and is!) good and I should (I am!) be happy but... This comes as surprise every year (how short is my memory???), but I also know it'll pass. And that cardi turned out lovely even if I say so myself! I took many pictures of that little cutie wearing it but oh boy she is quick, none of those was publishable :)
Wishing you sunny last days of 2015, see you here soon again!
Hi Mia! I miss Finnish Christmas, that's the truth. Every year I try to find the pieceful, quiet, slow, celebration atmosphere but can't. I enjoy seeing your winter photos and Christmas at home with the family. I was waiting for 'holidays' to enjoy quilting and then I felt that there was not enough time. Also now I feel a little bit unreasonable to sew anything...even I know there is always very good reason. I guess we just need to be patient until January. That little cardigan is the cutest! If you have the book, I'm sure you can enjoy these days with lovely knittings! Happy New Year and thank you for cheering us! x Teje
Hope you have a wonderful New year:) The little red cardigan is adorable, thank you for sharing xxx
Hello Teje,
I know what you mean, the best part of our Christmas us that quiet, candles-in-the-tree, woolen socs -feeling, and to get that all the rush needs to be left behind. I think sewing (or knitting in my case) does not always need a reason (even I do think that too "should I do something for my shop instead of just for fun"), the creating is the reason itself :) so I wish you will continue those pretty mugs or something slow&happy without a deadline on your holidays. I got my needles clicking here already!
Lovely last days of December!
Hello Faith,
Same to you: A very Happy New Year 2016!
And that little cardi was a happy knit and just a perfect fit too :)
Lapset ovat levottomia ennen joulua ja aikuiset sen jälkeen! Neulon sukkaa, teen kortteja, ompelen hieman farkkujuttuja, mutta mikään ei edisty. En jaksa keskittyä. Rattoisia vuoden viimeisiä päiviä! Ja erinoimaista vuotta 2016!
Justiinsa näin! Täällä kanssa koitetaan vähän sitä ja tätä mutta banaanikärpäsen keskittymiskyvyllä ;) Onneksi uuden vuoden jälkeen "helpottaa"! Onneksi käsityöt voi jättää kesken ja jatkaa kunhan taas ehtii.
Ihania viimeisiä joulukuun päiviä sinne, ja mahtavaa uutta vuotta 2016 pian!
Hello my dear Mia....I actually love these in between exciting to see a new year dawning but not quite yet. I hope your knitting has worked its magic and that you now feel more cheered.Such a sweet card! Hugs xx
Hello Jane,
Fantastic to hear that you are loving these in between days, makes great balance for my moaning ;) Enjoy your holidays, and if we do not speak before:
Happy New Year soon too!
Hei Mia! Kiitos jakamistasi kauniista kuvista! Kun katselen niitä ne saavat minut nostalgoimaan lapsuuteni jouluja,kuvissasi on kaksi asiaa, keltainen nalle, joka näyttää niin samanlaiselta kuin minun joulupukilta saamani nalle kun olin 6-vuotias ja toinen on karuselli hyllyssäsi, jotka saavat minut erityisesti muistelemaan omia joulujani Suomessa. Haikeaa, mutta yritän ajatella että elämä on siellä missä perheenikin ja nyt se on täällä! Toivon sinulle luomisrikasta vuotta 2016! Anneli
Hei Anneli!
Kiitos ihanasta kommentistasi! Nalle, Jaska nimeltään, voi hyvinkin olla juuri samanlainen kuin muistojesi nalle, olen saanut sen ollessani 3v eli *kröhöm* melkein neljäkymmentä vuotta sitten! Sillä on nyt uusi kohta kolme-vee leikittäjä :) Karuselli on ihan uusi minulle, sain sen täksi jouluksi kälyltäni Ruotsista... Joulukylä kasvaa vuosi vuodelta!
Ihanaa uutta vuotta 2016 myös sinulle!
Dear Mia, It does feel "in-between" here, too. But soon I can say---Happy New Year.
I love that little cardigan. Hoping you will enjoy your New Year's Eve.
Ihanaa uutta vuotta!!
All best wishes and many greetings across the sea,
Anne and family xxx
Hello dear Anne,
Very Happy New Year to you&yours! Thank you for being there when needed on 2015, and let's make 2016 the best ever!
Wonderful January!
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