Even the winter felt very long (especially January and February), it still took me by surprise that we are in May! I am not complaining, though, fantastic it is! We have had wonderful weather, sunny and warm, and fingers and toes crossed this will continue all the way 'til September October. Nature is blooming around here, and as every year, that inspires me in my crafts not only the flowers but also the colors, they get brighter (if that even is possible!), and my style... Well I stick what I have chosen!
I also have made a few summer bags, which in my case means still little wool&needle felting, but gets out pretty linens...

... and cottons!

Other than crafts it's also pretty exciting times, I know you all are not ice hockey fans (not even the slightest), but here we get it via mom's milk to love it, and every year around this time the World Championships are on. We have won gold only twice, 1995 and 2011, even we simply are the best in the world (there must be some mistake on the placings other years), and every year this small nation of ours gets crazy and supports our team with bottom of its heart. We have played four games so far and won every single of them (ta-dah!), so there is time to wave that blue-white flag. To balance that success our song was left out of the Eurovision Song Contest final this year (which we only have won once, 2006) but I will still enjoy the whole thing next Saturday, such fun and definitely not to be taken too seriously. Love the surprises like Australia participating this year (well they made an entrance last year too), not part of the Europe but they love the show - a good enough for me! Have a look if you can, makes you smile and dance!
Wishing you happy and sunny May days!
Voi mitä kaikkea ihanaa olet tehnyt! Nuo pinnit ovat kertakaisen ihania. Ja laukut kivoine huovuskuvioineen! Minä kyllä arvostan enemmän jääkiekon mm-mitaleita kuin euroviisuvoittoa. Kisastudiot meillä pidetään jääkiekolle, ehdottomasti!
Hei Mia! Aivan ihanaa ja kevaisen herkullista! Pinnit on tosi suloisia ja uusi laukku malli upea! Yhdistit hienosti huovutuksen kesaisempiin materiaaleihin! Tosi kauniit kankaat myos! Ihanaa kevatta sinulle ystavani! x Teje
Welcome to May my dear Mia.....I love the linen/wool combo bags...they are gorgeous (well everything you make is!)I'm glad that spring has sprung your end and fingers crossed for the ice hockey team. Hugs xx
Heipsan Marle!
Kiitos ihanaisesta kommentistasi! Ja sama täällä, jääkiekko kasaa populaa telkun ääreen, mutta Euroviisut ovat vain minun suosikkini, tod.näk. saan ihan omineni valvoa ja katsoa :) Toivottavasti kultaa tulee Leijonille ts. Meille/Suomelle!
Ihanaa toukokuuta!
Hei Teje!
Kaunis kiitos kommentistasi, tykkään itsekin kyllä noista uusista jutuistani! Mukava tehdä aina välillä jotain muuta kuin same old, same old ;)
Mukavia toukokuun päiviä sinne!
Hello dear Jane,
Thanks! I tried to find a way to combine some old/new, happy to hear my latest are liked!
We are so excited about our team, fingers&toes crossed we'll go faaaaaar this year!
Happy weekend and lovely crafting moments!
Hello Mia and May!! Happy to see all of your new creations (again). Wonderful news about the hockey games.
It's been a big mix of rain and sun. Hoping the sun will win.
Happy weekend.....
Anne and all xx
I love all your beautiful new makes Mia, especially those gorgeous bags!
I do hope your team are doing well and as for the song contest, I think it's probably a compliment to be left out of the contest to be honest!!!!!
Hope you're still enjoying the sunshine my dear,
V x
Hello dear Anne,
Loving May here, sunny and warm - I wish your days are beautiful too! And oh yes, our team is doing wonderful, we (well they) have won ALL games so far, only a few to go... Fingers crossed!
Have a wonderful May, we will talk soon again!
Hello dear Vivienne,
Thank you! Spring (well summer almost) inspires me so, and it feels that there are not enough hours a day to create... well this makes up the horrid am I sleeping or wake- months we just had! And our IH team is doing great, we had all the possibilities to go all the way to the gold... Fingers crossed!
Wishing you sunny days!
I love all of the things you make!! I just found your blog and I'll be back!
Hello Judy,
Lovely to see you here!
I wish to see you here soon again, I promise to blog a little more often this summer.
Happy May days to you!
Hello Mia
So many pretty things in this post, you do do, what you do, so well! I love that everything you make is clearly yours. You have great skills and a talent for putting colours and fabrics together in such a good way. I especially like the hair clips and the bags, just perfect.
Here's so a sunny summer that goes on and on and on.
THANK YOU so much for your lovely comment, Beth,
Just what I needed as I (once again) struggle with "what is the point of all this" due to slow sales and all (you know what I mean)... And coming from you (you know how I love&appreciate your makes!!!!) it was even more meaningful. Blogging might be so last season but these comments are still very important!
Sunshine to you days, inside&out!
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