Uh-oh, it has been far too long since I last posted. Somehow my days seem to be so full of everything that blogging just... Also the dark&gloomy days we have had do not inspire for picture taking, but not it all has changed - spring is here (today it's still rainy and gray but otherwise), days are longer and sun even shines at the times. So what have you been up to? Still munching those post-easter-y chocks?

Easter was fun and relaxing here, snowing a bit as usual, but otherwise just great. Slow knitting, reading, and of course that chocolate. Evenings are quite dark still, and flower I got from my Sis for Easter is perfect for those:

This year I also managed to get some Easter decorations done, I made some little felt fabric eggs and sent them all over the world (well last minute as usual, but I think they got to their receivers quite in time), those I think I need to make more later, some even to my shop for next year (I may need to start today, this year Easter got me, and I did not get any special things on my shop shelves!), but before that I would need to find some 100% wool felt fabric in lovely colors, any suggestion, friends?
I also celebrated my birthdays earlier, nothing big as the years were not round (but number is getting BIGGER, yikes), but lovely family time, happy gifts and lot's flowers. Just as I like it! We also traveled to Helsinki, had fantastic time there, saw some happy cats in Cat Cafe Helsinki, shopped some Moomins in Moomin Shop Helsinki, and just laughed and enjoyed it all!

So all in all great start for 2016 - and I wish it'll all get better by the day when summer gets closer! I can't wait to take my crafting studio to our patio and turn it into a happy sweatshop (you know what I mean, we have had two really BAD summers, please fingers&toes crossed it will be happy sweating for three months this year!). And it's only a few weeks away!
Wishing you lovely April days, hope you all get to walk your happy paths in sunshine! See you soon again!
Hello my dear it's so good to see your post today. What lovely easter and birthday presents you sent and received. Fancy a cafe having cats...how brilliant, I would love that. Let's keep our fingers crossed that we have a summer which starts in June and lasts all the way until September this year! Here's to warm sunshine and days outside.
Happy April. Hugs xx
Hello dear Jane,
Thank you for visiting me, I am so sorry for the long pause I had... Well now it's time to start again! We had lovely time at Cat Cafe (my first time ever, L loves cats and that's why we went!), a great experience!
Wishing you wonderful April days too, and wow: sun is just getting out!
I'm still here (waving!!!) !
I do know what you mean about blogging, I think IG has spoilt us all a bit, it's so easy!
You've had a lovely colourful start to the year, even if the weather isn't behaving itself. I love that photo of L , so cute!
Here's hoping that the sun is going to shine for us all until September, it is just coming out here now, hope it's shines on you too today!
Happy Thursday my friend,
V x
Hello dear Vivienne,
I could not agree more about IG! I can't believe how lazy blogger I have been lately, but I also think I am following/reading less and less blogs these days too. So sad, there are (were?) so many great ones.
Wishing you wonderful wekend, may it be sunny and bright!
Hi Mia!
It is so good reading news of yours and your lovely Finland!
Here in Guarulhos Brazil we are in Autumn but is so hot that is the same as Summer without the rain.
Do you know? I discovered recently that a Minas Gerais based publisher house started to publish the adventures of Moomins, it immediately reminded of you. Imagine... Moomins in Brazil!!
Thanks for updating!
Hello Friend.... I'm still here but IG has spoiled me forever.(( I enjoy reading blogs much more than writing them))
Looks like a fun birthday and Easter. I think more of those felt eggs would be lovely. Any pastel, spring colors......
April is flying past.... Hope it stays warm for you and me.
See you soon...
Anne and family xx
Hello Lucia,
Lovely to hear from you too! I am so so sorry I have been pretty quiet for a while, but maybe with this light and sunnier days it will get better :)
And wow, Moomins in Brazil sounds great, I am so happy more and more people will know their adventures! Yippee!
Wishing you a wonderful April days!
Hello dear Anne,
I know, IG is so quick and easy that I also find blogging pretty hard (even it's fun!), and I get lazy... But I try to get back to blogging track, and it's fantastic to see you here!
Have a lovely spring, it's almost May!!
Welcome back. I too go through times when blogging is not the priority. Love the Easter eggs with their cute little Mia birds.
Hi Mia,
I didn't go but saw a cat cafe in Japan too. We don't have anything like that where we live. That looks like fun to go. May be I will ask Haru to take me next time when I visit her. April is almost done for me - probably already in May where are - happy May!! Megumi
Hello Megumi,
We do not have anything like that here in my home town either, I actually think that one in Helsinki might be the only in whole country? But it was fun, and something different also, and quite a peaceful place as they take in only a certain amount of people at the time (and they actually prefer pre-bookings!) so it will not bee too crowded or stressful for the cats. I think you should try it!
Have a lovely first week of May, we will talk soon again!
Hello Jessie,
Lovely to see you here! My blogging pace has been really slow, so it is wonderful to see familiar faces here :)
Have a wonderful May!
Hello Mia just thought I'd catch up and read your lovley post today! I hope you are having the sunny weather that we have here and can enjoy some outdoor crafting too! I love your little eggs decorated with birds.....I would recognise them as yours anywhere!
Happy May!
Helen xox
Hello Helen,
Lovely to have you here, my blogging has been... uh-huh, but with these sunny days it hopefully will get better! So the weather has been beautiful, and I wish you happy&sunny May days too!
Hello (again) Mia
Oh no, I think my Feedly feed is ditching older posts I haven't read (serves me right for being such a bad Blog reader) as I'm finding lots of posts I haven't seen when I visit the actual blogs. Sorry :(
Nice to see you still get the cosies out, that does make me smile. Also, I think of you and your Birthday as I know it's around the same time as mine - I hope you had a good one. I try to ignore mine these days, I was never one much for Birthdays anyway but now just fee old - ha ha ha.
Hello dear Beth,
No wonder your feed is leaving out some of the older posts :), I have been SO bad blogger that these are getting really old, I apologize! Lovely to see you here always, thank you for taking time for leaving comments also!
Happy summer!
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