I am a real sucker for pretty packaging. When I make purchases via net, and after shorter or longer wait receive my goods, it´s always wonderful when packaging is pretty. It somehow makes the actual item even more precious, and yes, makes it easier for me to shop again with that seller.

I am always happy to get something extra also, but the most important thing for me is to see, that someone has paid some attention with my order. It can be a little note, colorful wrapping paper or even some pretty ribbon.

I package my items quite simply with clear cellophane, some pretty ribbon and in many cases handmade (always handwritten) note card. I have decided to get some cards (both note and business) printed too, but will definitely be using handmade cards still. It just adds some personal touch; what do you think?

Yet after seeing some beautiful, whimsical, colorful and professional printed notes lately I might change my mind - but my items will always be made with love , and just for you. Just I like it.
Mia I totally agree, presentation is everything and I think it shows someone made an extra effort. I L*O*V*E the way you package things, it is like receiving a Christmas gift when it's not even Christmas. The hand written note again adds the personal touch.
I can't wait to receive my purse; it will be like Christmas in July!
Keep crafting, you are so very gifted,
The sun has also returned here in the UK, I'm loving this hot weather! Speak soon,
Love, Jane x
Dear Jane,
Thank you for your nice words! Your purse is on it´s way and should be at your doorstep soon :)
Have a wonderful evening!
Yours from equally sunny and bright Finland!
Mia, This is something I think about--handwritten or printed.
My vote is for handwritten. You always have lovely Moomin or Pippi tags. I know whatever you use it will be thoughtful and with love!!
Dear Anne,
Your packages and cards are so beautiful, and your business card was actually one I just admired the other day. I am a handwriter myself even my writing is sort of messy :) it just feels right. I´ll be showing my my new cards (hopefully) soon!
Sunshine from Finland!
Mia, olet hullu!
100x paljon kiitoksia for that adorable oravalaukku, I can't believe you made it for me :)))).
I just booked another great 1€ flight to Helsinki,I just need to visit Seurasaari again, with all its tame squirrels and birds, ahhhh! And I need to buy the Muumi christmas mug ;).
So everyone, that cute squirrelpurse you see in this post is MINE, hehehehe. I just love the attention you put to all your crafts and packages too.
You are great!
love, Maike
:) :) :)
So it arrived, huh? And was liked, then, dear friend? Of course I wanted to make you something, you´ve been so wonderful yourself!
Welcome to Finland again, we are having +37c today, hottest in this country since 1904 - and they´re saying that summer might continue until September this year!!!Hooray?
Many happy and HOT greetings from Finland again!
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